$100 ExxonMobil Gas Gift Gift Card for $92 (Limit Of 3) & More

The Offer

Direct link

  • Purchase a $100 ExxonMobil gas gift card for only $92, you can purchase up to three gift cards.

exxon mobil

The Fine Print

  • Limit of three
  • Sold by svmgiftcards

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Our Verdict

Top resale rate is 87%, but only ABC Gift Cards offering that and after that it drops to 82%. Fingers crossed for a good eBay bucks offer.  Here are 33 things to know about eBay and Paypal. Remember to use a shopping portal, best current rate is iConsumer with 1.3% back. Although Southwest, Alaska & American Airlines currently have shopping portal bonuses that are worth considering as well.

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Raulf (@guest_284090)
August 15, 2016 10:48

Can you still buy sears gift card if already purchased max a week ago?

Mo2 (@guest_284231)
August 15, 2016 19:52

With the gas cards sale % decreasing i stopped buying them from eBay. i get them now from my local Publix supermarket which has them at 20% off ($50 card for $40) every few weeks,
But it’s not something i can stock up on. gotta do a $50 grocery purchase to be eligible

Elias (@guest_284001)
August 14, 2016 22:37

Do you earn ebay bucks when using an ebay gift card to buy stuff?

I was wondering if it was worth it to buy ebay GC at supermarket for 6% cashback


joE (@guest_284008)
August 14, 2016 22:57

yes, you earn ebay bucks regardless of type of payment.

Elias (@guest_284009)
August 14, 2016 22:59

Awesome thanks!

Dave C
Dave C (@guest_283976)
August 14, 2016 20:02

My last 3 SVM cards have been stolen by my mail man. I figured they weren’t sending them, but after my 3rd try, they confirmed it was spent at an Exxon down the street! Any tips, can I request a signature requirement? I had a pretty good system saving a lot on gas…

Z (@guest_283984)
August 14, 2016 21:04

you could get a po box

Dave C
Dave C (@guest_284049)
August 15, 2016 06:59

Yea, thought of that, fee would cut into my savings ($50 / year nearby). Plus, I have no guarantee it’s not a mail sorter at the PO, and that they wouldn’t just keep stealing it. Thanks for the idea though

Parkerthon (@guest_283990)
August 14, 2016 21:27

Seriously? That’s horrible. Call that guy out. At a minimum report the crime to the police every time it happens and share your data on what you know about the thefts. Stealing mail is a federal crime.

Dave C
Dave C (@guest_284047)
August 15, 2016 06:44

Thanks, I’ve reported each one to Postal Inspector and now my apartment complex. I don’t really want to confront him, because then he’d A. Just throw out my mail B. Keep doing it or C. Get fired and know my address. New Orleans is an extremely shady, shady place to live.