Amex Offers: Verizon get 3,000 Points with $100 Store Purchase [TX, IL, GA – Targeted]

The Offer

Check your Amex Membership Rewards-earning cards for the following offer:

  • Get 3,000 Membership Rewards points when you spend $100 in a corporate-owned Verizon store in the states of Georgia, Illinois, and Texas

Corporate Store Locator. Be sure not to use it at online or at an authorized retail store which isn’t corporate owned.

The Fine Print

  • Valid through August 17, 2017
  • Excludes in-store kiosk transactions, online purchases, and orders placed online for in-store pickup
  • Must spend the entire $100 in a single purchase

Our Verdict

Verizon customers can pay their bill in-store and it will trigger this offer (be sure not to use the in-store kiosk). If you don’t use Verizon, consider cutting a deal with a friend to pay their bill.

Another possibility (?) is that you can buy Verizon prepaid plan cards or gift cards or maybe iTunes gift cards in a Verizon corporate store.

And of course you can just use the offer as intended to buy a new phone or accessories. I don’t know if Verizon will let you split up a phone purchase across multiple credit cards.

Excellent offer, especially for Verizon customers. This offer will only be found on cards of those in the geographic limitation, and even in that area it’s targeted, I believe.

Hat tip to Jamie

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Jan (@guest_447452)
July 26, 2017 21:59

I got it wonder what gift cards do they carry?

Peter (@guest_445084)
July 23, 2017 16:43

Located in IL but no offers on my 3 MR-earning cards. Sucks, I could’ve really used this deal!

Jeremy (@guest_445060)
July 23, 2017 15:18

I’m in one of those states. 0/8