Happy Thanksgiving & What I’m Most Thankful For

Happy thanksgiving everybody, I sincerely hope that your spending time with loved ones rather than reading this article. Unfortunately I’m not with my loved one this year, instead I’m in Bangkok finishing up some business after my personal vacation to Myanmar (fantastic country and people, go there soon before it gets even more overwhelmed by tourists). I thought I’d list a few of the things that I’m most thankful for:

  • Everybody that contributes interesting ideas and data points. I like to think I’m fairly knowledgeable on some things (credit scores and some specific consumer credit laws for example) but when it comes to other stuff I’m constantly humbled but how much of a newbie I really am. I love reading and absorbing as much as I can from people much smarter than myself. Writing this blog helps to reinforce some of that learning I do on a daily basis. So thank you to everybody who contributes in a meaningful way, whether it be on this blog, on twitter, on the various different forums or even on other blogs.
  • All of the banks and credit card issuers that make this such a rewarding hobby. I’ve probably netted $4,000+ in cash sign up bonuses alone this year, lots of free nights at hotels and of course a metric #$(*ton of airline miles. That’s before even considering things like American Express offers and gift card promotions as well. It also doesn’t include any of the money I’ve made from manufactured spending. So thank you for lining my pockets various financial institutions, I hope my readers have been stuffing theirs as well.

Of course the above is in addition to my loving family and my partner who all put up with the massive amount of time I spend on this hobby. I’m also very thankful to be in good health with a job that provides a fantastic salary and great benefits. I hope everybody has a great thanksgiving and remember to not spend money you don’t have on black Friday purchases, hopefully their are a few deals that we can all get in on without spending a dime!

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Chuck S
Chuck S (@guest_43541)
November 27, 2014 16:19

Happy Thanksgiving Will! Sorry to hear you’re alone this Thanksgiving.

Michael B
Michael B (@guest_43461)
November 27, 2014 13:36

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! I’m thankful to live in a country where greed is rampant enough to encourage people to spend way more money than they have on their credit cards, and those of us who are fiscally responsible can profit as a result.