[Targeted] Citi Sears Card – 10% Cash Back On Gas, Grocery & Restaurants

The Offer

  • Some Citi Sears cardholders have received a targeted bonus to receive 10% back in statement credits on the following purchases:
    • Gas stations
    • Grocery Stores
    • Restaurants

For total eligible purchases of $300 or more each month (10/01/2016-12/31/16) up to total statement credits of $100 each month.


Our Verdict

It’s targeted offers like this that make me think that the Citi Sears card is seriously worth considering. I’ll be interested to see if these offers keep on coming when they add 5%/3%/1% categories to cards that earn SYWR points.

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adam garrett
adam garrett (@guest_461489)
August 18, 2017 23:10

Is this for the Citi Sears card or Citi Sears MasterCard?

Bill M
Bill M (@guest_313221)
November 7, 2016 16:43

I received the offer via snail mail, but mine is for 10X TYP not statement credit.

For the months of Oct, Nov and Dec
Spend $100 each month to get 1,000 TYP each month
Spend $500 each month to get 5,000 TYP each month
Spend $1,000 each month to get 10,000 TYP each month

Not as good as statement credit but I’ll take it. When I get near the end of the month and still need more spend, I will just buy GCs at my local grocery store to make sure I max out each month. Offer says allow 4-8 weeks after promotion ends to receive bonus points. This in addition to normal points so its actually 11 TYP per dollar spent.

Jeff (@guest_313520)
November 8, 2016 13:49

Got my 10x TYP offer via email. Mine was not tiered, though. Spend at least $300 at Gas, Grocery, and Restaurants, up to 10K points total per month, on top of the normal 1. Got the same offer in August but missed it because I hadn’t paid attention to anything from Sears or Citi Sears since the card was in storage mode

Tom (@guest_313071)
November 7, 2016 09:51

I got the 10% on $300+/month targeted AUG/SEP, still waiting for cashback credit to post.
Fine print says 8 weeks……
I spent $475 in Aug and $409 in Sep so I’m expecting $88 cashback.
I also got a 10% on $500+/month targeted OCT/NOV/DEC, not as good.
I also got a one time offer to spend $50 single purchase to get $25 credit in OCT/NOV
Offers come by email.
Spending is by calendar month in those three categories.

Lisa (@guest_312945)
November 6, 2016 20:39

Three questions:
1) Did this offer come via snail mail or email?
2) I don’t understand the terms. Consider a single month. Does this mean that all spend in any of the 3 categories gets 10% if and only if spend for those 3 categories together is at least $300? (With the limitation that the 10% credit will be capped at $100 per month) If not, please explain.
3) We have an ancient, unused Citi sears card. Any thoughts on what we might try for in terms of a retention bonus?

Greg T
Greg T (@guest_312982)
November 6, 2016 23:14

Make sure you have an email that you check regularly attached to your Sears card. You might use it once if you have not used it an a long time. My offer came by email with slightly different amounts per month. It is by calendar month for the 3 categories combined. Hope you get an offer.

Lisa (@guest_313341)
November 7, 2016 22:24
