[Expired] [YMMV] Citi Sears Spend Offer: Spend $2,000+ & Get 12,500 Bonus Points

The Offer

  • Some Citi Sears cardholders have received a targeted spending bonus. One offer was as follows:
    • Spend $2,000 or more from 8/18 (or the date you activate) until 10/16 and earn 12,500 bonus points

Our Verdict

If you already have other Citi Sears offers, they stack. Other current offers:

This is why this is our highest rated store credit card.

Hat tip to reader @ctdohert2

View Comments (31)

  • Q4 offer came today. 10% cash back on Grocery, Gas, and Restaurants. Minimum spend $1,500. Maximum credit $250/month. I don't think I'll ever stop using this card for groceries.

    • Got the same thing. $1500/month is quite a bit higher spend than previous offers for me as it's per month, not quarter. I'll probably have to figure out a better way to liquidate gift cards instead of just organic spend if I start going for these...

  • Looks like I just got the $75 back on $750 spend offer that others got. Came in a month late for me for some reason.

    • You can still apply for the SYWR point earning card, mixed DP on getting converted to the Citi TYP earning card.

  • please note in the pic this is a Shop you way master card. its not the same as the sears card that earns TYP.

    You can not sign up for this TYP earning Sears card

      • i wasted my 5/24 slot on this card thinking that it can be PCed . It Cannot.

        and yes i have tried calling them over 50 times over last 2 months.

        • It's against the law for issuers to product change if you have not had the card for atleast 1 year (this is meant to protect consumers from issuers who change terms or bait and switch). DPs should be clear about how long they've have the card.

        • 50 times? Jeez... is it that serious? Lol I know we love points but at some point what about the value of your time?

        • Others have PC'd to it within the last 12 months. How long has your card been opened for?

      • No, you cannot. It was true but myself and multiple others have pointed out that the switch option has been dead since last year. It really should be updated.

          • Basically all reports I've seen here and on other sites have failed. This is just a guess, but I think anybody that got reissued a new card and account number last year or signed up after that aren't able to product change to TYP anymore. I signed up back in 2018 but was lazy and didn't get around to try and change it until recently and they said I couldn't. They reissued my card last November.


            Still happy with all the statement credits I've been getting though.

          • Usually you need to have had the card for 12+ months before they will PC to the Citi TYP version. Not sure if that affects reissued cards or not

  • How is everyone getting these offers? My wife has this card but NEVER gets any offers. Do they come via email or snail mail? Anything I can do to try and get some offers? (we did put some random purchases on the card months ago in an attempt to stir the pot, but still nothing)

    • @guest_1038890 How long ago was the card opened? I opened mine about 2 years ago and it took a couple months (8 or 9 I think?) for the offers to start rolling in. I didn't even put much spend on it, only like $50 at first to meet the signup bonus and then I ignored it for a few months. I got a few via snail mail I think before I switched to paperless and started getting the promos in emails instead.

      • Thanks for your information. I will be more patient. I've got this card for 3 months and got no offer. It looks I need to wait for a longer time.

  • The amount of rewards being thrown out for this defunct retailer's card is disgusting. lol. Makes me want a card.

    • Sears will never truly go out of business. It’s funny watching other businesses fall and die while sears is still falling and never dying.

  • Yeah pretty sweet. I have this, the utility 25X and grocery store 20X. So basically I'm looking at 30X utility and 25X grocery the next couple months.