Curbside & Pizza Hut: $15 Off For Existing Customers (No Minimum Spend, Location Restricted)

The Offer

  • Curbside is offering $15 off with no minimum spend at Pizza Hut when you use the promo code pizza15. It doesn’t work at all locations/areas the following are confirmed as working:
    • San Francisco
    • San Jose

The Fine Print

  • Works for existing customers

Our Verdict

Doesn’t seem to be working for everybody, so not sure how it is targeted, most likely based on your location though. Hopefully this is useful to some people.

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David L
David L (@guest_430731)
June 29, 2017 19:22

Only store available in Chicago seems to be CVS. Is this mostly a one-store app???

NinjaX (@guest_428989)
June 27, 2017 21:26

i would guess its targeting those close to participating locations and those who use the app frequently. or i guess they could also target those who dont use it. either way, the app is stupid. tired of hearing “disruptive” apps that are the Uber for XYZ.

Peter (@guest_428902)
June 27, 2017 20:01

Works in San Jose. Thanks for dinner!

NinjaX (@guest_428991)
June 27, 2017 21:27

do you live close to the pizza hut? or use the app often?

Dan (@guest_428869)
June 27, 2017 19:36

No luck in Sacramento