Have You Received An Automated Call From A Financial Institution? You Might Be Eligible For A Settlement

There are three class action settlements involving financial institutions and automated calls at the moment. If you’ve received an automated call from one of these financial institutions within the specified time frame then you’re most likely eligible for compensation.

It should be noted if you participate in these class action settlements, you waive your right to sue these financial institutions about these automated calls. Personally I think the hassle of trying to sue a major financial institution is not worth the effort and you’d be better off joining these class action settles.

All of these financial institutions were found in violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection act (TCPA). Here is the relevant information:

Bank Name: Bank of The West Chase HSBC
Violation Time Frame: Nov. 2, 2008 through July 22, 2014 July 1, 2008 and Dec. 1, 2013 May 31, 2008 through May 1, 2012
Estimated Compensation: $25-$30 $20-$40 $20-$40
Final Lodgement Date: December 4, 2014 February 9th, 2015 November 4th, 2014
Settlement Website: www.BayatTCPASettlement.com http://www.gehrichtcpasettlement.com/index http://www.wilkinstcpasettlement.com/index

There is also a separate class action lawsuit against Capital One for undisclosed recording of customer phone calls. You need to have lived in one of the following states to participate: California, Florida, Maryland, Nevada or New Hampshire. The settlement website for this is as follows:


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Jeff (@guest_321348)
November 29, 2016 19:00

Just received a $91 check for this!! Anyone else?