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Anthony (@guest_985905)
May 24, 2020 18:36

I called in to get the paper application mailed to me. It contains a cover sheet detailing a 25,000 point offer for $3k spend with the annual fee charged the first year. I reached out to a local branch via email to see if anyone would be willing to help me get the better offer. DPs indicate that approval can take ~ 7 weeks and these offers expire at the end of July. So anyone willing to try will need to submit their applications ASAP.

Sam (@guest_985639)
May 23, 2020 22:46

You need a minimum of 2m with UBS to get this offer

Mark (@guest_985808)
May 24, 2020 12:56

Hey Sam – how’d you find out about this requirement?

K-Man (@guest_985891)
May 24, 2020 17:57

I think it’s 2M liquid for a free account. Bankers seem to have discretion to go below 2M on a fee generating account, but it’s not easy to find a banker willing to open a “small” account. A friend called around and was told if you are willing to move 500k they might consider it.

AA (@guest_985305)
May 23, 2020 03:26

PS: Due to Coronavirus, they extended the signup bonus needed spend period to 6 months total. So I guess 6 months are not unreasonable for $10K spend! 

howard (@guest_953000)
April 6, 2020 19:47

does anyone know if GC triggers the $250 airline incidentals? Much appreciated.

aubergine (@guest_951924)
April 4, 2020 20:46

Most DoC readers arent going to have the 7 figures needed to get a UBS account, and additionally, even if they did, the fees are pretty high so it wouldnt make sense for the vast majority of DIY Vanguard/Schwab/MerrillEdge types here.

If you have a UBS account you can also probably get the card offered to you for ‘free’ but that would likely mean that you spent 30k on hidden brokerage / advisory type of fees. Some small biz owners are able to get UBS accounts too, but again, you’d know if you were in their target clientele.

One thing to note with all these cards offered that run on the backbone of the Visa services is that service can be much worse than the major issuers. As much as Citi sucks in her own ways, at least there you are arguing with their own staff. For many of these benefits its “let me contact someone at Visa and maybe we’ll get back to you’

Mr Blonde
Mr Blonde (@guest_951839)
April 4, 2020 17:18

How do you get a UBS account to get the offer?

CW (@guest_952608)
April 6, 2020 03:31

You start by having money. If you had money, you wouldn’t be reading this site in the first place. So I’m not sure why DOC even talks about UBS.

Mr Blonde
Mr Blonde (@guest_985628)
May 23, 2020 22:10

Is Doc loaded?

Charles Mann
Charles Mann (@guest_986348)
May 25, 2020 15:52

The Good Doctor has a wealth of knowledge that is continuously shared with his loyal followers.

April 4, 2020 12:03

How many free guests are allowed for the Priority Pass?

Alejandro (@guest_951674)
April 4, 2020 11:51

How strict are they on the requirement you have to be a UBS customer already?

TomT (@guest_951652)
April 4, 2020 10:57

Time to update the full content. First item under “Miscellaneous Details and Benefits” is “Annual fee of $495, NOT waived the first year“

Dan (@guest_951646)
April 4, 2020 10:39

Does anyone know if the 50K/$900 redemption can only be used for a single round trip ticket or can I redeem 50K in points for three $300 round trip tickets?

Steve (@guest_951884)
April 4, 2020 19:01

2 x $350 tickets