eBay: Save on Overstock, AirBnB, and Krispy Kreme Gift Cards

There are a bunch of eBay gift card deals available. A few sold out quickly and are now back. Not sure if you can do these if you did them yesterday.

You can find all gift card deals at this link or  this link (these contain our eBay affiliate link).

  • $50 Overstock e-gift for $40, limit 5
  • $100 AirBnB e-gift for $85, limit 1
  • $25 Krispy Kreme e-gift for $20, limit 5

The Overstock is an easy flip for 80%, but bear in mind prices might fall.

Remember to use INK for PPDG purchases and try using a shopping portal (or ibotta for 2% or Yaarlo for 3%) in case it tracks.

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Grne (@guest_350339)
February 8, 2017 16:01

The Airbnb gc has been gone for so fast….T.T

iahphx (@guest_350507)
February 8, 2017 21:00

Yeah, I was surprised. Maybe they didn’t have many to sell.

At Xmas time, I noticed that the first discounted Airbnb gift cards at Amazon sold out really fast but, as they kept offering them, they languished. I guess it was pent up demand. We’ll see what happens next time Ebay offers these.

iahphx (@guest_350333)
February 8, 2017 15:25

That’s a pretty good discount for Airbnb. The only better deal is with Amazon, when they have them on sale — especially if you have discounted Amazon money. It’s weird that Amazon changed their policy to ALLOW their gift cards to be used for third party gift cards, while Ebay changed their policy to disallow it.

Aaron (@guest_350312)
February 8, 2017 14:33

got 5 overstock and sold for 80%, woo!

William Charles
February 8, 2017 20:06

Nice turn around

Jeff (@guest_350297)
February 8, 2017 13:47

I’m not seeing Overstock GC’s on the site, anyone else?