Citi Easy Deals: $50 Walmart Giftcard For $25 + More Deals (Citi Simplicity & Diamond Preferred Only)

Update 6/27/21: Looks like some of the cards that were out of stock are back in stock.

The Offer

Direct Link to offer (login required)

  • Citi Simplicity and Diamond Preferred members can get the following discounts on gift cards:
    • $50 Walmart gift card for $25
    • $25 Barnes & Noble gift card for $15
    • $25 Grubhub gift card for $15

The Fine Print

  • Eligible cards: Citi Simplicity and Citi Diamond Preferred only
  • Requires enhanced or plus tier status to access these deals (that requires $100 spend per year)
  • Limit one of each deal per Citi card
  • Can do these deals once every 15 days (instead of 7)

Our Verdict

Walmart deal is insane and easy purchase, the other deals are good as well.

Hat tip to DDG

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escot (@guest_1213160)
June 28, 2021 06:16

Well, whoopty-doo-dah-day…. DoC reposts the deal … and to add insult to the chaos, yah, I got the email too….. Log in, but (of course) nothing showing. Oh, but wait, if you sleuth around that web site of chaos, we see that by goollly, the (same?) gc’s will be doled out on separate days this week….. (like the AARP deals, this is all about driving traffic….. not actual good deals for mere mortals.)

By golly, if you ruin yr days, park your fingers on the web site at the appointed hour, then you too won’t have a chance (this side of….) of being one of the half dozen or so to get one the first few milliseconds each become available.

Yah, dripping with (much deserved) sarcasm.

RB (@guest_1213010)
June 27, 2021 20:32

Looks like rinse and repeat has been increased now from once every 7 days to 15 days. That’s a bummer.

“You Already Reached The Maximum Purchase Limit For This Item. You Can Purchase Only 1 Over A Period Of 15 Days.”

Rae (@guest_1212924)
June 27, 2021 15:09

It’s back up right now.

Ted (@guest_1212920)
June 27, 2021 14:56

Got all three x 2. These are such awesome deals. Keep CD and CS for this reason only. All my spending is done on gift card deals 🙂
The Barnes & Noble cards make great gifts.

sevillada (@guest_1212872)
June 27, 2021 12:54

yesterday I didn’t see any of the new offers, but today I see the walmart one and grubhub and barnes and noble $25 for 15

Grubhub Gift Card $25
Free Shipping
Delivery Option: Mail
-(Member Savings)
Your Price: $15.00

Walmart Gift Card $50
Free Shipping
Delivery Option: Mail
-(Member Savings)
Your Price: $25.00

Barnes & Noble Gift Card $25
Free Shipping
Delivery Option: Mail
-(Member Savings)

007 (@guest_1212891)
June 27, 2021 13:38

+1. In for Walmart gift card

janito (@guest_1212838)
June 27, 2021 10:49

Gift card offers are available today. I was able to order a Walmart card.

Yaro (@guest_1212843)
June 27, 2021 11:06

Thanks for the update, Janito! Yes, Walmart and Grubhub giftcards are available today.

Jay (@guest_1212862)
June 27, 2021 12:04

Barnes & Noble was (and is still) available too.

Also, they just sent out an email letting us know that the Daily Deal for June 27 – July 1 will all be gift cards.

sevillada (@guest_1212873)
June 27, 2021 12:54

got it as well

Josh (@guest_1212814)
June 27, 2021 09:47

6/27, 9:46am EST, this deal is visible to me in the Special Offers and I successfully placed order. I see Walmart, Grubhub and Barnes & Noble.

Ron (@guest_1212159)
June 25, 2021 19:59

I had no idea that there was even a thing called Citi S
Easy deals. Was this covered in DoC in the past ?
Looks like it has been around for a while
Thought Citi just got into this with it’s Merchant offers just a few months ago. Sigh!

escot (@guest_1212558)
June 26, 2021 16:32

Reason they used to get VERY little attention is because the program for far too long was an annoying to infuriating joke, depending on how much time you were willing to waste trying be one of the handful of folks who got in an order during the first microseconds of when it went live before it went out-of-stock. as such, lot of us put snooze & citi painfully hard-to-get deals in the same category….

Yet this post reminds that the revamped Citi-deals program in theory may be of interest…. Even through I rarely use my Citi card(s), I somehow have the requisite plus-tier status. Lots of 10% off gc deals (yawn — office depot would be of interest, if you could in turn use it to buy….. gcs. Not likely)…..

In any case, as per the old bad habits, the deals listed apparently gone. (curious to know just how long they were live…. anybody actually get one of the “insane” half off wally world cards?

Ricky (@guest_1212136)
June 25, 2021 18:49

Looks like those 3 have sold out.
I see “Walmart” in the “Special Offers” tab but when I click on it, it says “No products were found matching your search criteria.”

CT (@guest_1212191)
June 25, 2021 21:24

Could be but the last time they had Walmart on sale they had it for days? Not sure what discount they offered back then.

CT (@guest_1212133)
June 25, 2021 18:44

Plus tier and do not see these deals.

MBB (@guest_1212138)
June 25, 2021 18:50

Same :/

sevillada (@guest_1212185)
June 25, 2021 21:20

same 🙁

escot (@guest_1212561)
June 26, 2021 16:43

Judging by the time stamp on your comment and the original post, suspect citi-deals is back to it’s old miserable habits….. a great deal, good for drawing attention to the program, but frustrating the rest of us. (the 99.99% who see the post mortems, but didn’t get one in time… say DoC, did you get one? Was it live when you first saw it?)

MBB (@guest_1212880)
June 27, 2021 13:19

I got an email this morning and was able to see these now. Also scored a free $5 Amazon GC on the site. Time to try again!