[Expired – Cancelled] Free Coffee Grinder From Manual Burr

The Offer

Direct Link to offer

  • Manual Burr is offering a free coffee grinder for just the cost of shipping. You can apply code FREESHIP for free shipping.

Our Verdict

Site is putting people in queue to check out. If you find this grinder useful you can give it a shot at getting one and hopefully it’ll ship.

Hat tip to Dansdeals

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oldest most voted

Pablo (@guest_1733962)
November 9, 2023 17:53

Received a cancellation email today about it.

John (@guest_1722309)
October 24, 2023 18:18

 Chuck I would update this to canceled, multiple people (including myself) received a cancellation email after 10 months of waiting

Mark (@guest_1721870)
October 24, 2023 09:34

Got my cancellation email today, same text. Funny how those circumstances remained unforeseen for 10 months…

Artur (@guest_1705231)
September 28, 2023 23:48

Your order has been canceled
Order #… was canceled because of unforeseen circumstances and your payment has not yet been refunded.

But hey, at least they got my personal info!

Anthony Paganini
Anthony Paganini (@guest_1697447)
September 19, 2023 11:53

Got a cancellation email today, had forgotten about it!

Jane (@guest_1698504)
September 20, 2023 12:28

Got my cancellation this morning.

Xavier (@guest_1702502)
September 26, 2023 06:29

Got email today: “canceled because of unforeseen circumstances and your payment has not yet been refunded.”

FN (@guest_1579921)
March 18, 2023 22:24

Lol, anyone else not get anything. The joke is on me, they got my info.

Looney Tunes
Looney Tunes (@guest_1563499)
February 24, 2023 18:37

Got my grinder today. Cheap looking but what the hey, free is free.

Ted (@guest_1537718)
January 19, 2023 10:49

Cancelations coming through. Had all my orders cancelled and got an email for why…

“came to our attention that there were several shared social media posts about a certain “free grinder with free shipping” promo that we are currently having. However, that is a FALSE PROMO AD. Our ongoing promo is free grinder, just pay for shipping.

Unfortunately, this is the reason why we cannot honor the order that was placed with the FREESHIP code. We appreciate your kind understanding. I already cancelled and refunded your order. You should see this in just a few banking days.

Random social media posts containing false information are very rampant these days. We are truly sorry that you were one of the victims of the said posts and for the inconvenience that came with it. We are already conducting an investigation about them.

Again, our sincere apologies.

Stay safe and have a great rest of the week!


Hahah, so it’s the blogs fault that their FREESHIP promo code worked. Better watch out, an investigation is coming.


Daniel (@guest_1538226)
January 19, 2023 21:18

I figured this would happen. The CEO dishonestly claims he designed and created this particular burr Grindr when it can be found on Alibaba for $2.00-$3.00/piece + S/H. He buys them in bulk and makes a killing on upcharging these grinders to $25-$40/piece to sell them on Amazon and his website.

Daniel (@guest_1538232)
January 19, 2023 21:25
Tom MacDonald
Tom MacDonald (@guest_1538264)
January 19, 2023 22:29

Wow! $.40 …………… HA! LOL

Sam (@guest_1541748)
January 25, 2023 13:18

People need to know they can just buy stuff on Alibaba / Aliexpress and not let these randos drop ship off other people’s labor

Billy Bob
Billy Bob (@guest_1543396)
January 27, 2023 14:20

Link? Details?

snailrock (@guest_1543366)
January 27, 2023 13:57

“All my orders”…How many did you have, out of curiosity?

Ted (@guest_1543373)
January 27, 2023 14:02

3 orders 1 I paid shipping the others had the promo code

snailrock (@guest_1543404)
January 27, 2023 14:23

Oh huh, that’s not too many. Wonder when I can expect my cancellation emails…

Billy Bob
Billy Bob (@guest_1543394)
January 27, 2023 14:19

This was a scam from the start by the slimeball who runs Manual Burr.

David (@guest_1535087)
January 16, 2023 12:54

You can get the same unbranded one from ebay for $10 w/ free shipping.

Davis (@guest_1535003)
January 16, 2023 11:01

I tried code freeshipping and it said it was valid but not for my address. Couldn’t find one of my addresses that would work so I gave up