Free $20 for Joining Upromise & $20 for Referring

The Offer

The Upromise referral offer is back in which you can catch an easy $20 for signing up to Upromise or you can make some easy money referring friends to Upromise:

  • Refer-a-friend to the Upromise shopping portal and receive a $20 referral bonus after your friend makes any purchase using the Upromise portal.
  • Signup using a Upromise referral and receive a $20 bonus after your friend makes any purchase using the Upromise portal.


This offer has come up in the past as targeted for select Upromise members to be able to refer their friends. This current offer is available to all, I believe; you should see it in your Upromise account, as pictured above. There is no referral link, just an email form that you fill out which gets sent to the referred member.

On the offer page, it only mentions that the referrer gets a $20 bonus, but I tested it out and sent myself a referral to a different email address (just to see what the email looks like, not to use) and it says clearly in the email and in the terms of the email that the referred member also receives a $20 bonus. This is consistent with the bonus details of the previous offers.

Here’s a view of part of the email:



The Fine Print

  • Friend must use the email to enroll by 12/31/15.
  • Friend must make a purchase within 45 days of enrollment.
  • $20 bonus will post on or around 4/14/16 for both members. (Yes, that’s a long time…)
  • Max of 10 referralbonuses per member, or $200.
    • We’d guess that someone who referred friends under a previous offer would be eligible to do this one again since it’s a separate offer campaign (the past offers have already expired).
    • The new referred member should definitely receive their $20 bonus in any case; the limit of 10 is only on how many bonuses the referrer can get. So long as you use the link in the email which clearly states that you’ll get a $20 bonus for signup, you should be fine.

Our Verdict

I love these kinds of bonuses since it’s a win-win: you don’t have to go begging people to use your referral since they’ll actually be gaining as much as you are. Shouldn’t be too difficult to rack up $200 in referrals.

The Upromise portal also has eBay as one of the eligible stores and most of us would be able to find something small to buy on eBay and meet the bonus requirement.

If you want a referral, we can send you one from myself or from the other writers on the site; send me an email at [email protected]. We’ll update the post if/when we max out our referrals.

Feel free to leave your email in the comments to refer people. You may want to use an email address other than your regular address when leaving the comment here since it’s viewable to all.


HT: J.C.

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raj (@guest_210588)
December 21, 2015 13:41

I can refer few.. shoot me an email [email protected]

Devon (@guest_170968)
September 11, 2015 08:08

Has anyone seen a single referral bonus? I referred 10 people and so did my wife. We know a lot of the referrals and know they completed their purchases in time. Yet we’ve seen ZERO of the $20 referrals in our accounts

Leib (@guest_166371)
September 1, 2015 09:26

Referrals are still available.
Leibwexler at gmail dot com

Jack (@guest_162143)
August 21, 2015 01:43

New referrals:

Email me at

extrawinter at 163 dot com

I will sent you referral links asap.

Thanks OP!

Ben (@guest_156052)
August 6, 2015 16:01

Email me at

ashleyandben2013 at gmail dot com

for a referral. I will respond immediately, and using my referral will help us pay for our honeymoon!

Roddor (@guest_155756)
August 5, 2015 23:43

Anyone who wants referral can email me at [email protected]

Eric (@guest_155750)
August 5, 2015 23:31

It looks like the Upromise referral market is finally saturated as I’ve received very few emails asking for a referral. Have any of you guys had better luck?

ColinC (@guest_155726)
August 5, 2015 22:00

bottom of the list 🙁
[email protected]

edvin (@guest_155605)
August 5, 2015 16:54

i have 10 referrals available. i have it on my phone and will respond asap.
[email protected]

thank you all!!!

edvin (@guest_157033)
August 8, 2015 21:01


will update when there is no more left.


Cowboyguy (@guest_155510)
August 5, 2015 12:56

Email me at [email protected] for invite. I’ll do it immediately.

Will be happy to answer any of your manufactured spending or any other questions that you have. Thank you.