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tribesman55 (@guest_1767591)
December 30, 2023 13:10

Can’t wait to redeem these and close them out in two days on 1/1/2024

Jay (@guest_1767663)
December 30, 2023 16:58

Why wait? Just put in the request now. The redemption date will be in 2024.

Credit Card Offers
Credit Card Offers (@guest_1710264)
October 6, 2023 15:45

does anyone know what major banks we can bring in ibonds to redeem

fdic (@guest_1597951)
April 14, 2023 16:59

Can someone help me with this question please?
So I bought these in Oct 2022, do I need to declare something while doing my taxes? I didnt get any 1099 forms from Treasury Direct.

Series I Savings Bond 10-28-2022 Security Issued $10,000.00

Celia (@guest_1598016)
April 14, 2023 18:26

Taxes are paid after redemption. You can declare taxes during the year I’ve read, a bit more complicated to do that.

DaveIgnacio (@guest_1596316)
April 12, 2023 15:46

TIPSwatch guy just posted this…

The just-released U.S. inflation report for March sets the new inflation-adjusted rate for U.S. Series I Savings Bonds at 3.38%, down substantially from the current 6.48%.

The inflation-adjusted rate, often called the I Bond’s variable rate, is based on non-seasonally adjusted inflation from October 2022 to March 2023, which ran at 1.69%. That number is doubled to create the annualized variable rate of 3.38%.

T (@guest_1600852)
April 18, 2023 18:53

Saw this as well. Purchased Apr 2022 and planning to withdraw in Jan 2023. (I’ll earn 6.48% through Oct 2023 and then pay three months penalty at the 3.38% rate for Nov, Dec, and Jan.)


theSam (@guest_1678593)
August 23, 2023 18:14

T thanks T, was wondering why my “history” doesnt show prior interest rate or accumulation and was shocked to see 3.38; bought 5/1/22…so do I earn the 6.48 through October?

jd (@guest_1678614)
August 23, 2023 18:39

if you see 3.38, you’re earning 3.38…
your 6.48 is already over, thats why you should have liquidated 8/1/23
best you can do now is to redeem 9/1/23

if you drill down in your holdings, you should see the current value is greater than the 10k or whatever your purchase was for

Celia (@guest_1678685)
August 23, 2023 20:49

theSam If you bought in May 2022, the interest rate was 9.62, which you would have had for 6 months (thru 10/22). It then reset to 6.48, which you’d earn for 6 months (through 4/23). Then it reset to 3.48, which you’ll earn through 10/23. As jd pointed out, August 1 would have been the ideal time to redeem. September is the next best.

mangorunner (@guest_1590382)
April 2, 2023 19:43

I’m waiting for David Enna’s April 12 blog (Tipswatch) (as discussed in the section titled Key date: April, 12, 2023, here: to make my decision of whether to buy all I-bonds before May 1, all I-bonds after May 1, or split my purchase into half and half.

Sheriff (@guest_1590492)
April 3, 2023 02:17

There are too many accounts offering 5%, for now, im taking my money elsewhere instead of ibonds, the hype is dead and may rate seems like is going to disappoint.

T (@guest_1600856)
April 18, 2023 18:56

The only reason I’d buy I Bonds is if I were close to retirement and wanted to secure my money at 0.40% above inflation. Historically equities markets have by far outpaced inflation, annualized over 5+ years.

theSam (@guest_1678596)
August 23, 2023 18:16

mangorunner my purchase request was fulfilled 1 May 22, did I still get the 6.48 rate? nothing showing on treas direct site under my “history” just the current measly rates

Snowbird (@guest_1576753)
March 14, 2023 08:49

February CPI has been released. CPI-U, which is used for calculating I-bond rates, is now at 300.840 vs. 296.808 at the end of September. With one month to go in the next calculation period, we’re currently looking at a new I-bond rate of 2.72% plus any fixed rate for new issues starting in April. It’s calcuated by the March CPI-U (which we will have next month) divided by the September CPI-U and then multiplying by 2 to annualize it.

Mike (@guest_1579737)
March 18, 2023 14:55

Noob question: Does it make any sense to purchase additional I bonds now, if I only maxed out I bonds for *2022*?

I currently earn 5.02% with UFBDirect’s savings account.

It sounds like the presumably lower I bond yield coming, combined with the 12-month holding period and the 3-month penalty (if cashed in before 5 years), makes new I bond purchases in 2023 *not* worthwhile?

Snowbird (@guest_1580692)
March 20, 2023 08:53

I agree that this isn’t the time. If current trends continue, I’ll be closing out everything by January. I’ll be drawing down each year’s contributions (2020-22) three months after the next new rate gets applied to my bonds.

mongrel david
mongrel david (@guest_1564890)
February 27, 2023 11:49

do we have any idea of what the ibond rate will look at for the next round?

Snowbird (@guest_1573749)
March 10, 2023 08:49

Probably a lot less than you can get in CDs right now. Inflation has been at 0.8% since September, so if they were to announce the new rate today, it would be 1.6%. There are still two months of reports to go (one report coming out next week), but it may be time to plan your exit strategy.

DaveIgnacio (@guest_1577796)
March 15, 2023 18:59

Excellent post tyty

Terry (@guest_1528676)
January 7, 2023 22:07

Anyone confused at the rate of interest in TreasuryDirect? I funded 7/7 when the rate was 9.62%. I checked today and the rate is showing 6.48% with a current value of $10,236. I believe you get paid for the whole month regardless of deposit so in the 6 months prior, I’ve earned the equivalent of 4.72%. I don’t see anyway to find anything else specific on this website made in 1998.

Diego (@guest_1528773)
January 8, 2023 04:54

The “current value” is the redemption value, which includes a 3-month penalty for bonds less than 5 years old.

Terry (@guest_1528924)
January 8, 2023 13:44

Thank you for the very helpful answer!

MC (@guest_1508619)
December 13, 2022 09:36

For anyone that still cares, the CPI was negative .1% for November, and dropped to 7.1% for the year. The I-bond variable rate now stands at .6% with four months to go. Clearly the party is over, time to start planning your gift transfers and redemptions.

Jack (@guest_1513666)
December 18, 2022 10:32

Where should we stick our money now?

Nina (@guest_1492227)
November 20, 2022 13:29

Well it’s November 20th and I logged in to my Treasury account expecting to see that the interest rate on the Ibonds purchased in Dec and Feb had dropped from 9.62% to 6.89%. Still showing 9.62%. I guess I still don’t understand Ibonds. Can someone explain please?

Nina (@guest_1492236)
November 20, 2022 13:37

Spoke too soon. Research shows that the interest rate will change on Dec 1 and Feb 1. Nevermind.

Snowbird (@guest_1508716)
December 13, 2022 11:49

The December bonds should have reset to 6.48% (they don’t get the 0.4% fixed rate – only bonds purchased between 11/1/22 and 4/30/23 will get that) this month, and the February bonds will reset in February.

Nina (@guest_1509722)
December 14, 2022 14:29

6.48% it is. Thanks.