[Expired] Alaska Airlines: Convert Miles For 1¢ Each With Wallet Funds

Update 11/07/20: Deal is back and valid until November 13th.

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Alaska Airlines is selling miles for 1¢ each when using wallet funds to purchase. You can choose to convert 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of your wallet balance to convert.

The Fine Print

  • Valid until November 13th

Our Verdict

Tickets that are purchased and cancelled during the promotion won’t be eligible for this unfortunately. Most people find Alaska Miles more valuable than 1¢ each and this is probably more so when converting Alaska credit. Fantastic deal for those that have wallet funds currently.

Hat tip to Agile–Travel

Post history:

  • Update 10/15/20: Extended through 10/16
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J T (@guest_1359643)
April 6, 2022 14:15

Any know if this conversion counted as mileage activity, specifically to reset the 24 month miles expiration clock? Did this for both myself & P2 in Oct 2020, and closed both BofA Alaska cards around same time. We’re not 2 years out from either closed card but both approaching 2 years since last card activity.

Tejbir (@guest_1086724)
November 8, 2020 01:20

What if I have an alaska gift certificate from a canceled flight in mid October? Can I convert that to wallet funds to convert to alaska Miles under the terms?

YoniPDX (@guest_1073419)
October 15, 2020 13:42

Hoping that this comes back around again – perhaps at the end of the Year. Maybe next year?

Have a Chase offer for 10% of Alaska ticket $31 max – as well as two AS CP that expire next summer – I did learn that you can use wallet funds to pay for CP any shortages do have be paid with BofA AS visa tho. So I am willing to float AS some money on the happenstance this promo returns.

TB (@guest_1086625)
November 7, 2020 20:06

You got lucky buddy YoniPDX

J T (@guest_1073340)
October 15, 2020 11:53

Thanks for reposting this; strange to see it disappear entirely, for an update.

Bruce (@guest_1073337)
October 15, 2020 11:47

Quick question: I have a CUSTOMER CARE $150 SR E-CERT provided as a discount code. It was related to a cancelled flight. Is there any way to convert this into wallet funds?

Alex (@guest_1073400)
October 15, 2020 13:02

No, this is a discount code, similar to a “$5 off $15 coupon”. It is not actual cash value, like a gift card/certificate. You can book a flight with it, but your flight cost will be reduced by $150 and if you cancel it you’ll only get back the amount you actually paid.

Dillo (@guest_1073321)
October 15, 2020 11:14

$880 wallet funds to 88k miles woohoo! Silver lining to missing out on a big summer trip.

J T (@guest_1072419)
October 13, 2020 14:49

Offer extended through 10/16.

Waiting on a refund of a flight cancelled by Alaska, partially paid with wallet funds, and hoping that qualifies.

Converted P2’s wallet to miles before yesterday’s deadline, change was immediate.

J T (@guest_1073344)
October 15, 2020 12:01

Yesterday I converted the just re-deposited wallet funds from the cancelled flight into miles. As the wallet $ was not certificates purchased and deposited by me during the promotion, I hope this holds up if manually reviewed.

GoodCow (@guest_1070990)
October 10, 2020 04:06

covered $96.20 into 9620 miles. Thanks.

Ted (@guest_1073345)
October 15, 2020 12:01

What would you use that for? I’m trying to figure out the value of doing this? I searched some domestic flights and found the price is cheaper in cash than miles. For example PDX to LAX showed $79 in cash or 20,000 miles obviously the miles are worse deal. I’m trying to figure out how this is a good “deal” is there something I’m missing? I’m relatively new to Alaska miles GoodCow J T Dillo  William Charles

I don’t see how to get good value from doing this. Hopefully someone can giv a brief explanation

Matt Katakis
Matt Katakis (@guest_1073357)
October 15, 2020 12:17

Ted Travel partners, particularly when traveling international.

Ted (@guest_1073448)
October 15, 2020 14:25

ah, I see.. but like the comment above.. mentioned converting to 9000 miles.. where would you find an international flight for 9000 miles? so that’s why I’m still confused.. even domestic flights seem to start at 8,000.. but in most cases the domestic flights I searched end up being cheaper in cash Matt Katakis

Charlie (@guest_1073706)
October 15, 2020 19:10

That is under the assumption they don’t already have miles in their account. I had about 25k miles and did 100 -> 10k points which will get me a one-way economy from USA – Japan.

GoodCow (@guest_1073457)
October 15, 2020 14:39

For some flights like between SFO and SEA it appears miles are cheaper than cash

Lrdx (@guest_1070930)
October 9, 2020 22:15

I got $6 credit literally expired yesterday.

Raj (@guest_1070907)
October 9, 2020 21:23

This is great offer. I had $900 from a trip I cancelled earlier this year due to Corona virus. I didn’t know that certificates can be deposited to wallet, when I learned it was easy process to get converted to 90,000 miles. Thanks Doctor.