Best Buy Online: Save 10% On Instacart & Chipotle eGiftcards

The Offer

Instacart | Chipotle (affiliate links)

  • is selling Instacart e-gift cards and Chipotle e-gift cards at a 10% discount. Valid today only, 7/26/23.

Our Verdict

Doesn’t look like there are any live Chase or Amex Offer deals now at Best Buy to stack,  but still could be a decent deal for the 10% savings.

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Hnery (@guest_1660802)
July 27, 2023 02:43

In for 1 for chipotle.

Seize the carp
Seize the carp (@guest_1660525)
July 26, 2023 17:29

3 GCs per customer max.

weedibix (@guest_1660559)
July 26, 2023 18:32

Purchased 5 with no issues.

VGT (@guest_1660234)
July 26, 2023 10:28

Discount is only on $100 Instacart GC. Does anyone know if I could apply a partial GC amount to an Instacart order?

Example, I have $100 Instacart GC available in my account. I place an order for $50. I just want to use $35 from the GC, and charge remaining $15 to my CSR card

Atme (@guest_1660245)
July 26, 2023 10:42

You can’t.

Celia (@guest_1660331)
July 26, 2023 12:40

And that’s how they get you 🙂

I only use the $15 CSR credit each month. Got it down to a monthly $10 order, service charge and tip for maybe a few cents over the credit.

VG (@guest_1661096)
July 27, 2023 15:08

Agree. I also do the same and use it for CSP and CSR’s $15 credit only. I am gonna pass on this one. Appreciate the information.