The final remaining Chase INK Plus link was the email version of the referral link. Today that died too.
It’s no longer possible to apply for the card. The only potential way to get the card would be to apply for the INK Cash and subsequently upgrade to INK Plus so as to get the higher $50k 5x limit. It’s unknown whether Chase is allowing such upgrades. Let us know if you have a data point.
DP: Have Ink Cash for 3+ years, and SM’ed to upgrade to Ink Plus today. Declined by rep. Said “not qualified for upgrade to Plus”. I opened Ink Plus about 3 yr ago and closed one year later.
I applied 2 weeks ago through referral links and got approved (second try).
Also SM’ed a couple a days ago for 70k bonus and got approved.
Great month thanks to you guys.
What did you say in your message to request the 70k match? Had you already met the spend requirement prior to request?
I applied for my wife only two days ago. Checked app status hotline today and it says she was approved! Probably one of the very last ones.
Forgive my ignorance, but is the only difference between the ink plus and the ink cash the $50,000 limit vs the $25,000 limit? And the portal redemption, obviously. But the points can transfer, so no biggie on that one.
I’m curious about this too. As a holder of an Ink+ and a CSR and someone who doesn’t MS even close to the $25k on the Ink+, I’m thinking about downgrading to the Ink Cash. Seems blasphemous to say that today, but I don’t see why I would pay the AF this year.
I DG my Ink Plus to an Ink Cash last year, now have two Ink Cash, I kept my CSP as its easier to get referrals (10k UR).
You can save your referral link and PC to Freedom/FU, and the referrals are still good for the 10k points (it’ll still refer others to CSP).
Thank you for all of the responses.
I believe the Ink Plus has no foreign transaction fees whereas the Ink Cash does.
There are 5 differences between the Ink Plus and the Ink Cash:
1. Ink Plus has $95 annual fee, Ink Cash has no fee.
2. Ink Plus has no foreign transcation fee, In Cash does.
3. Ink Plus has $50K spending limit for 5% categories, for In Cash it’s $25K.
4. Ink Plus has gas and hotels as 2% categories, for In Cash it’s gas and restaurants.
5. Ink Plus has 60,000 UR sign up bonus, for Ink Cash it’s $300, or 30,000 UR.
Does Ink+ 60k offer also have the extra 5k for adding an authorized user? Or was that only CSP?
Cash gets 2x at restaurants instead of Plus getting hotels.
Can ink cash owner transfer UR points to airline/hotel?
Not by itself.
Farewell Ink Plus. You made so many URs possible.
So Chase doesn’t offer this card anymore?
Did you read the article? “The only potential way to get the card would be to apply for the INK Cash and subsequently upgrade to INK Plus so as to get the higher $50k 5x limit.”
Correct, they now offer the new INK Preferred, and the INK Plus is discontinued for new signups.
Chuck, do you or Will have any educated guesses on the Ink Pref 80k bonus sticking around (or not)? Bit worried the intro bonus will fade soon, though as it’s Chase I’m optimistic there would be a warning period.
Will is better than I am on these stuff, but I’d guess it will end eventually and get down to 50k or 40k. No idea how long.
Looking at CSR as a guide, I’ll hazard a guess that it will last until April-June time.
Will likely be decreased to a standard offer of 50k, but will mostly be available at 60k I imagine.
This honestly deserve a moment of silence.
Sad day. I grabbed the Ink+ as one of my first (couple years ago) and never got around to getting a CSP. By the time 5/24 came into effect I was way past it. I’m stranded with only my Ink+ as a UR transferrable card. Wonder what’ll happen to it and what my plan should be to keep my UR gravy train (I use Hyatts and Southwest a lot).
In-branch pre-approvals are still good for CSP – got one last week and I’m like 15/24
Yea, I’m 0/3 so far on getting preapprovals at all.
How long has it been since you got a Chase branded credit card?
18 months, although I just applied for Hyatt and got 30 day message (on 1/20)
How do you get in branch pre-approvals? Kindly explain
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