myFICO no longer uses promo codes.
myFICO has a promo code field that can be filled out whenever you purchase any of their scoring products such as “score watch” or “3-report-view” to reduce the price of the product.
myFICO working promo codes For July, 2017
- 10 day Score Watch $4.95 with Equifax FICO score (normally $14.95, this is extremely easy to cancel and cancelling can be done online). There are also a number of sites which will give you cash back for signing up for this. Minimum sign up is three months.
- THREEBM_SUB_DISCOUNT2 $4 off any individual myFICO score (usually $19.95, now $15.95)
- Navy Federal Discount (must use this link . $3 per month off Score watch (usually $14.95, now $11.95) This is the cheapest way to get score watch on a recurring basis.
myFICO discontinued promo codes
The following codes will likely no longer work, you can try them if for whatever reason none of the above work.
- E1406SUM203BS $12 off three score view (usually $59.85 now $47.85)
- E1402BDY20FST $4 off any single FICO score (usually $19.95, now $15.95)
- E14023RV203BS $7 off FICO® Score 3-Report View (usually $54.85, now 47.85)
- 30% off all credit reports/scores: SW_SUB_DISCOUNT (only works for Equifax currently)
- E1311BDY20FST – $4 off FICO standard scores (Usually $19.95, $15.95 with this discount)
- E1312BDY20FST – $4 off FICO standard scores (Usually $19.95, $15.95 with this discount)
- E1401BDY20FST – $4 off FICO standard scores (Usually $19.95, $15.95 with this discount)
- E1406SGL20FST $4 off any individual myFICO score (usually $19.95, now $15.95)
- S1403STL20FST $4 off any individual myFICO score (usually $19.95, now $15.95)
Know of a working code? Let us know in the comments.
The web cancellation was not visible on my previous/last subscriptions. Always had to call to cancel subscription.
I always went with the Ultimate3B subscription ($29/month) because that provides all Fico scores from all bureaus and monitoring. I used that to get a snapshot on my current scores especially scores for loans, which you usually don’t easily get anywhere.
thanks for posting! i haven’t purchased mine yet, but ebates is offering $5 cashback! redirects now to a broken link
the S1403STL20FST code worked. thx!
The 10 day Score Watch offer says you have to buy 3 months, and only the first one is at 4.95. Can you still cancel it after a few days, without having to pay for the other two months?
I tried using “E1406SUM203BS $12 off three score view (usually $59.85 now $47.85)” from the June 2014 codes but it says it is not a valid promo.