What Posts Would You Like Us To Write?

We try to write this site to help you, the reader. We’re always looking for new idea’s from readers on what type of content and specific posts they’d like to see. With that being said, if there is a resource page, an answer to a question or basically anything else you’d like to see on this site that doesn’t already exist please let us know in the comments.

If somebody makes a suggestion and you’d also like to see that on the site, make sure you comment (even if it’s with a simple +1) that way we know what to prioritize. I’ll try to respond to each comment, with something along these lines:

  • That already exists, <link to where it exists>
  • That’s a great idea, I’ve added it to the to do list
  • That’s a bad idea, here’s why
  • We can’t do that because…

Also apologies to readers that dislike these types of posts. I know there have been more housekeeping items than normal, but I’m trying to get prepared for an awesome 2017. Hopefully you skipped over this post and get some value out of the post suggestions other readers make in the comments!

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Austin (@guest_341334)
January 19, 2017 19:19

I’d like to see more bank account bonus-style posts about bonuses for brokerage accounts. For instance. this eTrade offer – https://us.etrade.com/what-we-offer/how-it-works/brokerage explained in detail like you do with bank account bonuses.

January 19, 2017 21:52
Shashi (@guest_338357)
January 13, 2017 10:56

I would like a post for the following:

1. How soon after reaching minimum spend and receiving bonus/points/miles, we can close/downgrade a credit card for each bank issuer. Also, if any banks are sensitive to such activities (I heard cases where Amex clawed back points since user cancelled a platinum card in like 3 months)
2. Second chance checking accounts that can be funded with credit cards for people who got reported to Chex systems and have to wait 5 years to yield bank bonus offers.

Keep up the great work.

Lisa (@guest_338356)
January 13, 2017 10:56

What kind of bonus spend activity will get clawed back by which credit card company? IE, are third party gift cards always good? Seems amex is not happy with visa / master card prepaid cards? Any credit card companies unhappy with bank deposits for bonuses? etc.


Juno (@guest_337975)
January 12, 2017 16:29

I’d like to know how one would go about paying for gas exclusively with fuel points. I saw it mentioned somewhere in a credit card review once, but couldn’t pinpoint a specific article where it was outlined.

MJG (@guest_338004)
January 12, 2017 17:03

Not sure if this is what you are thinking of, but I recently accomplished this by transferring AmEx MR points to Plenti points. That program lets you use Plenti points to pay for gas at Mobil and Exxon stations throughout the country.

Bradley Harris
Bradley Harris (@guest_337500)
January 11, 2017 22:25

Trying to figure out what to do with my MileagePlus Explorer card Recently downgraded my moms card to the little known fee free MileagePlus Card that has no fee, 1 mile per $2 spent and that’s it. Wondering if I should do this to my card when renewal comes up in May. That will be my 2 year anniversary date. If I downgrade to the no fee card will I be able to apply for a new MPExplorer card to get the bonus or should I just cancel and reapply since over two years will have elapsed? My moms downgrade card had the same 16 digit number as her MPE card. Thanks in advance for any help!

Chace (@guest_337440)
January 11, 2017 20:54

Thank you making this post!

Something I have yet to figure out, yet is associated with at least one topic posted weekly, if not daily: What AMEX cards and/or actions cause people to get the great AMEX offers? I have five AMEX cards and none of them ever receive the great offers. When I search for an answer, all I get are hundreds of posts for offers, but none explaining what I need to do or buy to get me on the track for receiving the offers. I would greatly appreciate some direction.

Abey (@guest_336974)
January 11, 2017 04:49

1) Certain posts that gets a lot of comments should become sticky and stay on top.
2) The commenter should be able to edit his comment.
3) There should be a spell checker/correcter when writing a comment.
4) A long detailed list of all top personal and business credit cards ranked by sign up bonus. (List should be updated monthly).
5) Subscribers should get a morning email with all the headlines from yesterdays post with clickable links in the email (like TPG does).
6) More credit card tricks that is unknown to most people. (like the Citi non-24 language).
7) New ways how to manufacture spend other then the regular vgc and mo (with updates for what still works).
8) Once in a while a unique article or an interesting story about credit cards/points/miles.
9) A post showing how sign up bonoses increased/decreased over the past 10+ years and how miles/points devaluated over that perioud.
10) A long list: Which airline is best to use for each country you want to visit and how to book/redeem/transfer miles for that airline.
These are just suggestions, in the meantime, Thanks again for the amazing job you are doing.

January 11, 2017 14:13

Thanks for the feedback, Abey.
1) That would be hard to implement. I know other sites have such a system. I personally find it very confusing since it’s hard to see the new posts.
2) Editing comments sometimes makes it confusing to see who replied to what. You can just reply to your comment with an update.
3) Maybe try downloading a spell-check app? I think Safari has a robust corrector built in.
4) https://www.doctorofcredit.com/best-current-credit-card-sign-bonuses/
5) You can subscribe for daily emails. https://www.doctorofcredit.com/get-daily-updates-via-e-mail/ We should make that option more prominent. (Update: Done. It’s now found in the side bar of every page.)
6) We try posting what we know or sending it out via newsletter. Let us know if we miss something.
7) MS is tricky.
8) Hmm
9) That would be an excellent resource but very hard to create and keep updated.
10) I think there are some resources out there for that kind of thing.

Abey (@guest_338575)
January 13, 2017 18:33

More of a story.
The man with the most credit cards…
The person who was in every country with points and miles for a total of only…
This guy reached 1M miles in one month…

Something like that 😉

Mohit (@guest_336402)
January 10, 2017 03:30

There has been some points from Chase/Barclay cancelling all existing Credit Cards because of applying for too many new cards within a short time. Some points around that will be useful especially for folks with low average age of accounts.

Thanks for all the great content!

January 11, 2017 23:03

I haven’t heard of that. I’ve only heard of Barlcay cancelling for heavy usage. https://www.doctorofcredit.com/saving-your-credit-cards-from-shutdown/

derek (@guest_336357)
January 10, 2017 00:30

1. Rebate portal deals/specials that useful with travel that are running
2. Rebate programs combos that save & get traval points
Ex: Yelp credit card dining rebate 7-10% in combo w Airline dining program.

January 11, 2017 23:02

derek, I think you’ll find this post interesting https://www.doctorofcredit.com/complete-list-card-linked-store-reward-programs/

Michael (@guest_336337)
January 9, 2017 23:12

1. An up-to-date tutorial on how to easily fulfill the sign-up bonus requirement. Lots of methods died this year.
2. What are the best reloadable debit cards? The same reason: lots of cards are dead…
