4x Fuel Points on eBay Gift Cards at Stop&Shop/Giant, 10/9-10/15

The Offer

Direct Link for Stop& Shop (ad page 4), Direct Link for Giant (ad page 6)

  • Purchase eBay gift cards at Stop&Shop or Giant and receive 4x gas points on the purchase.


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The Fine Print

  • Offer valid from 10/9/15 – 10/15/15
  • Must use Stop&Shop/Giant rewards card in order to get the points (and to redeem them as well)

Our Verdict

There are lots of ways to purchase eBay gift cards at a discount and gas points is one them; the discount earned via the gas points can equate to a nice discount on the gift cards.

If you want to get one tank of gas out of this deal, you can purchase $550 in eBay gift cards and receive 2200 points. You’ll then get $2.20 off a tank of gas, which can be worth as much as $77 if you fill up the 35-gallon max. This will amount to around a 14% discount on the cost of the gift cards. Be sure to use a credit card which earns bonus points at the grocery for added savings.

For each additional $550 in gift cards purchased, you’ll get another tank of gas with the $2.20 discount.

Gas Points Details

Basic Details: Every 100 points gets you 10¢ off per gallon at Shell, up to 35 gallons. If you have 1000 points, you’ll get $1 off. If you have 2200 points, you’ll get $2.20 off per gallon. 

  • Max discount in some areas is $2.20. In other areas there is no max.
  • You have 30 days to use the points. The day of purchase is Day #1.
  • Points can only be used at partner Shell stations. You can redeem the points in a different area from where you got the points, but only if that Shell station is a partner. Check out the gas locator for Stop & Shop and for Giant for exact listings of which Shell stations are included.
  • See the FAQ for more details. Some of the details vary by area and store.
  • Points usually are available immediately, but I’ve had on occasion where it took a day until they showed up and were usable.

Since gas prices currently average at around $2.29 per gallon, your gas will be almost free. Pro tip: use a Shell gift card  and you’ll usually get the cash price. Those who are good at math will realize why it’s especially worthwhile to get the lower cash price when using fuel points.

HT: Z.

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DavidNJ (@guest_217257)
January 13, 2016 20:17

On 1/15/16, Stop & Shop will be offering 5X gas points on eBay GC’s. $900 will get you two fill up’s.

Andre (@guest_183219)
October 9, 2015 14:35

The one promo that I cannot do now that I moved to AZ. I may have to rely on Safeway/Fry’s deals…