[YMMV] American Express Amazon Business Card: Get 5% Rewards On All Purchases (Max $10,000 Spend)

The Offer

Direct Link to offer

  • Enroll your American Express Amazon card to get 5% back on all purchases through 12/31/21. Max $10,000 in spend is eligible for the 5% earn rate.

Our Verdict

5% everywhere is terrific; you’ll get a total of $500 back if you max this out with $10,000 of spend. I’m not sure if this is targeted or working for everyone, let us know and we’ll update. Stack with the AmEx Offer for $10 back.

Hat tip to redditisonomatopoeic and lizardsrock4

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crr (@guest_1272241)
October 25, 2021 08:40

Seems targeted, didn’t show up on mine

Yep (@guest_1272088)
October 24, 2021 20:30

was targeted and it’s a nice offer

Rm (@guest_1272082)
October 24, 2021 20:20

Got this offer a while back. Odd that it seems to be staggered. Promotion end date on mine is also 12/31/21.

P (@guest_1272065)
October 24, 2021 19:42

I can’t even get approved for this card….

EricF (@guest_1272025)
October 24, 2021 18:15

Wondering which Amazon Prime card to get eventually. Any tips beyond the obvious (i.e. business vs personal, AmEx credit card limit, Chase 5/24)? Seems like AmEx has more/better promotions.

Quackmeister (@guest_1272036)
October 24, 2021 18:38

Unless you already have a Visa or Mastercard you use for travel or overseas, I think the Business prime card is better than the personal prime card

brian (@guest_1272210)
October 25, 2021 04:20

personal has no cap on earnings. business is capped at 120k spend for 5%.

Heidy Coil
Heidy Coil (@guest_1272643)
October 25, 2021 22:07

Is that per calendar year? Or from when you opened the account?

Heidy Coil
Heidy Coil (@guest_1272642)
October 25, 2021 22:06

Business cards don’t count against your 5/24 so those are the best

Harry (@guest_1272020)
October 24, 2021 17:58

Oh weird, I got this offer back in July. Guess they jist send a reminder out.

yikkic (@guest_1271987)
October 24, 2021 16:06

Not for me. Logged in my Amex but this promotion is open to invited card member only.

Sam (@guest_1271947)
October 24, 2021 14:58

I got an email to activate this but still cannot activate it.

Van Jawnz
Van Jawnz (@guest_1272814)
October 26, 2021 10:45

Same for me. Pretty annoying so I called Amex but I’m not expecting anything to happen.

Matthew (@guest_1271946)
October 24, 2021 14:53

Prime member, not eligible.

ne0ven0m (@guest_1271944)
October 24, 2021 14:50

Not targeted either, Prime account. But very active thanks to BG’s. Maybe they already see me maxing CL most months at 5%…

Jackson (@guest_1272184)
October 25, 2021 01:07

LOL, same here. I hit the 120k limit around Sep thanks to multiple BGs. Does Amex or Amazon allow a 2nd Prime card on the same SSN ?