American Express Shop Small Promotion, Some $20+ Purchases Triggering Credit Twice

American Express currently has an offer where you can get $5 back when you spend $10 or more at select small businesses. We’ve previously covered that Fluz, eGifter, and Samsung Pay gift card purchases were triggering this offer. Interestingly some merchants are triggering this offer twice (e.g you spend $20 and get two $5 credits back). It’s unclear why this is happening and seems to be somewhat random.

My advice is to use the credits as advertised and even if you receive unexpected credits to still make 10 purchases of $10+ as American Express is known for clawing back credits like this when improperly used, even if their system is at fault.

Hat tip to DDG

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Golfer (@guest_1021186)
July 22, 2020 18:26

Don’t think it’s crediting $10 for the same $20 purchase. I got a $15 credit on a $18 purchase but I think they are just rolling my 2 previous purchases made the same day into this one, creating a 3x credit.

Luke Bornheimer
Luke Bornheimer (@guest_1020550)
July 21, 2020 17:44

I have had one merchant trigger it and another — which is clearly on the map — not, and Amex us being a pain about issuing the credit (telling me to wait until December 20, 2020).

Has anyone made a purchase at an ‘eligible’ merchant and *not* gotten the statement credit?

Joseph Giorgianni
Joseph Giorgianni (@guest_1020502)
July 21, 2020 16:37

Yes, that happened to me on a purchase at our local liquor store. The purchase was $21.82 and I was credited $10.

barry brown
barry brown (@guest_1020331)
July 21, 2020 12:17

my local take out places are not on the list..but they take AMEX. Is it worth a shot or do I use my 3% Disc card(for 9 more months)

pyrola (@guest_1020157)
July 21, 2020 07:57

I love this! So easy to support small businesses without “gaming” it, as others said. I already got $5 for ordering chinese takeout. Plenty of time to get more for purchases I would be making anyway 🙂 🙂

Raol (@guest_1020069)
July 21, 2020 00:19

So if i buy for $50/51’ish as a single purchase at one of this place, would i get $5×5 =$25 back or just $5 credit back?

Fred (@guest_1020075)
July 21, 2020 00:37

I would say it’s not guaranteed and perhaps not likely at all that you’d get more than a single $5 credit for making a purchase of $50+.

Tim (@guest_1020139)
July 21, 2020 04:37

But let us know…

jr (@guest_1020061)
July 21, 2020 00:13

hehehe…here comes the CLAW!!! (screeech…)

Jason (@guest_1020052)
July 20, 2020 23:45

I think think we should follow Docs advice and the “spirit” of this offer. Just support a small business, real ones and don’t try to game it for a change.

Mike (@guest_1020060)
July 21, 2020 00:06

Have to agree. It so easy to support local business, especially restaurant. That’s how we make the community better.

Dr. J
Dr. J (@guest_1020085)
July 21, 2020 01:09

Right on! I would totally just support business. It’s good deed!

DP (@guest_1020029)
July 20, 2020 23:09

In this era, all I have to say is:

Claw it back! Claw it back! Claw it back!

Jenny (@guest_1021610)
July 23, 2020 10:12

They won’t. The money eventually goes to small businesses even if you break up transactions

peter (@guest_1020017)
July 20, 2020 22:39

oddly, I made a single $25+ purchase at a local chain supermarket, didn’t think it would even qualify since it has a number of stores around the state, but it does. In any case, I got a $10 credit, and I didn’t do anything odd with the purchase, didn’t split it up or run it twice or anything like that.