Chase Enhances E-Statements with Statement Balance and Minimum Payment Information

Chase has updated their e-statements by adding the Statement Balance and Minimum Payment information shown in the email itself. Previously, they just told you that the card has a statement, and you’d have to login to find out this basic information.

Amex, Citi, Bank of America, and Barclaycard already give this information in the email. Probably some other issuers as well.

This is a small thing, but something I’ve been waiting on for a long time. On active cards I’m typically logging in weekly to keep tabs with what’s going on, but I have lots of dormant cards which I’m not interesting in monitoring – I just want to see “$0 balance” in the email to ensure nothing is amiss and move on with life. Yay!

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Ricky (@guest_731083)
March 5, 2019 18:48

Title led me to think that you were talking about the statements themselves, but you’re actually talking about the statement notification email.

Vy (@guest_731042)
March 5, 2019 17:46

“Oh, no. This means that anyone with access to my e-mail account can see my minimum balance…”

Was this a big concern previously? I can’t believe this change was only implemented a few months ago and not sooner.

calwatch (@guest_731239)
March 6, 2019 01:57

Maybe if you’re one of those weird couples that share email addresses and Facebook accounts.

Dylan (@guest_731016)
March 5, 2019 17:16

The only time anyone should be concerned about the minimum payment amount is if they are “stoozing” funds in some other low risk financial instrument to earn a return on the interest spread (treasury bonds are a good choice). I’m hoping that nobody on this forum has ever paid credit card interest.

Cality (@guest_730976)
March 5, 2019 16:24

Title should be Chase Enhances rather than Chase Ehances 🙂

ian (@guest_730989)
March 5, 2019 16:39

when you enhance something that’s electronic, it’s an Ehancement!

JP (@guest_730972)
March 5, 2019 16:14

Noticed this about couple months back..This was much needed update!!

Mystral (@guest_730956)
March 5, 2019 16:03

Definitely nice, but still worth looking over the e-statement(s) for any changes in terms, important messages, etc. before moving on with life.

doc (@guest_731109)
March 5, 2019 20:17

Unless you have a zero balance, of course. This is good because it’s annoying to get an email notice of a statement – devoid of details – when there’s no balance. Then you’re forced to double check the statement for no reason other than the email lacked fundamental information. Some cleverly banks just don’t produce that month’s statement, when there’s no balance, which makes more sense.

But, even when there is a balance, if you’ve been following your purchases with alerts, and checking your postings, throughout the month, there should be no surprises. Also, for those of us that are paying our balances down before the statement cuts, the email just needs to state the balance.

Steve (@guest_731184)
March 5, 2019 22:50

I think Mystral had a point, that even if you have a $0 balance, the statement might have important messages, like notifying you that the rewards program is changing (though probably there’d be posts on here about major changes). Or it may remind you that the annual fee will be charged on the next statement.