[Expired] [Targeted] Bank of America: Use Your Debit Card 20+ Times & Get A $5 Credit

Deal has expired, view more Bank of America deals by clicking here.

The Offer

Sent out via e-mail, subject line is ‘Use your debit card 20 or more times and we’ll give you $5’

  • Bank of America is offering some users a $5 credit when they use their debit card 20+

The Fine Print

  • Debit card transactions must be completed by September 28th, 2019

Our Verdict

Not a very big bonus and requires a lot of debit card transactions unfortunately. Might be worth doing for people that want to stock up on Amazon credit, although I am always worried that will cause my Amazon account to get blocked and not sure it’s worth the risk for $5.

Hat tip to reader MBS & Randall P

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SeanK (@guest_804525)
August 29, 2019 13:25

I didn’t get this offer but I did get BBVA offer to use debit card 15 times for $5 couple weeks ago. Slightly better than this but not sure if I’ll end up doing it.

joE (@guest_804391)
August 29, 2019 08:01

I’ll take a free $5 amazon credit any day!

Jason (@guest_804384)
August 29, 2019 07:11

Not worth the effort, and a really weak promo. Bank of America really expects people to bow down to them and bust their a$$ just to make a few bucks. I’ve seen better promos which only require five transactions. But 20? Get the hell out of here.

Curmudgeon (@guest_804363)
August 29, 2019 03:19

 William Charles What’s your concern about Amazon blocking your account? Have they shut down accounts for doing lots of small debits? I’ve been doing 40-60+ a month for 50 cents for some high interest checking accounts for the past couple of years and haven’t heard a peep.

I would assume they’d send me a note to stop it if they weren’t happy about it before freezing my account, but maybe not.

SamL (@guest_804448)
August 29, 2019 10:23

In 2013 I would get shut down, as in totally locked out of my Amazon account, just for doing 1 or 2 reloads. It would reopen a couple of days later, and the process would repeat. It was a nightmare just trying to do 10 transactions for one rewards checking account (I had to give up one that account). I only recently got back into rewards checking, due to high interest and caps, and I do use reloads. But I’m definitely aware that the shutdowns could happen again. It’s a very real problem.

Curmudgeon (@guest_804729)
August 30, 2019 00:03

Thanks @Chuck I haven’t seen that thread before (wasn’t aware of this site in 2014). I have to think they’ve loosened up. I do all my debits (40-60 of them, all 50 cents) for the month on one day, usually within 30 minutes or so. Sometimes I’ll split them over two days.

I will log in, do five, eight or ten debits in a row, then read another web page or do some work for a minute or two, then do another batch of debits. Then do something else for a few minutes. Repeat as needed until all my debits are finished.

Maybe I’m an outlier, maybe it’s because I’ve now had an Amazon account for 20 years, maybe I’m lucky or maybe their tolerance levels have changed dramatically over the past few years.

hmg (@guest_814339)
September 24, 2019 20:54

side question what’s the highest APY return recently? checking? savings? other crytos accts? Also what’s the lowest swipe you could do for credit transactions? There should be ways of less than 50 cents.

hmg (@guest_814340)
September 24, 2019 20:55

pls send me an email when my post is replied

Curmudgeon (@guest_814462)
September 24, 2019 23:52

Here’s the place to start for high interest accounts:

The lowest swipe you can do, theoretically, is one cent. Finding someone to accept a penny per payment is a different matter. 50 cents just happens to be the minimum that Amazon allows for gift card reloads, so lots of us do 50 cents at a time.

sonia (@guest_804359)
August 29, 2019 02:04

they must be kidding lol…