[YMMV] American Express Transfer Bonus: Up To 25% To Cathay Pacific Asia Miles (1:1.25) – Stack With Asia Miles Bonus (1:1.375)

The Offer

The Fine Print

  • No end date listed

Our Verdict

This is the second ever Asia miles bonus we’ve seen from American Express, first one was last year and up to 30%. This is actually a better bonus because it stacks with the 10% Asia miles bonus (thankfully I told readers to hold out on making those transfers in the hopes of a transfer bonus from American Express coming along). You can view a full list of current and previous American Express transfer bonuses here.

Hat tip to Dans Deals

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DP (@guest_882011)
January 20, 2020 03:08

Cathay Pacific card from Synchrony is currently offering 40k miles for 2k spend within 3mon (expires 3-31-20). Very easy to get approved. I’m 12/24, 12 inquiries, 784 FICO. Instant online approval. Nice option if you are late in the game/cycle and don’t have a lot of alternatives.

The fact that miles don’t expire as long as you have some sort of activity on your Asia Miles account within 18mon is a game changer.

Current +10% bonus on points transfers with promo signup is decent, but I’ll pass since I wasn’t targeted for the additional YMMV Amex transfer bonus.

ezez (@guest_879000)
January 17, 2020 01:23

Nothing for me. Have transferred to asiamiles many times.

ithrowpoop (@guest_878360)
January 16, 2020 13:15

nothing for me and the mrs. We both have transferred to Asia miles before.

1120 (@guest_878164)
January 16, 2020 10:50

No luck for both Mrs. 1120 and myself.

I do have an offer for a (worthless for me) 20% transfer bonus to Marriott.

2er0x (@guest_878094)
January 16, 2020 09:37

I got 10%. I never have redeemed asia miles, because I find it confusing to fill out a form and wait to see if they will take my flight request. Seems like a major risk to dump MR points there.

Thomas (@guest_878708)
January 16, 2020 19:23

Seems like you have no idea how these things work.

Curtis (@guest_878057)
January 16, 2020 08:50

No bonus here either, boo. This would have been great.

Steven (@guest_877773)
January 16, 2020 01:12

No bonus

Steven (@guest_877771)
January 16, 2020 01:12

No bonus….

Rod S
Rod S (@guest_877763)
January 16, 2020 00:59

No available bonus for me:(

sdfadsf (@guest_877693)
January 15, 2020 23:22

can we have a sample itenray with the round the world award booking dontada