[Expired] Amazon: 15% Off UberEats Giftcards With Promo Code EATS (No Limits)

Update 6/29/21 1:42 pm ET: Working again. Note: while there is no limit to how many you can buy, you have to do it all in one purchase – once you checkout with the promo code once it won’t work again.

Update 6/29/21 9:40 am ET: Working now

The Offer

Direct link to offer (our affiliate link)

  • Amazon is offering 15% off UberEats gift cards of $25+ with promo code EATS.

Does seem to be any limit on how much you can buy with this deal.

Our Verdict

Try stacking with shop-with-points deals. Discounted gift cards also work with UberEats promo codes. UberEats gift cards work for standard Uber as well.

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oldest most voted

aswq12 (@guest_1217474)
July 4, 2021 17:40

Did not work.

Daniel (@guest_1214037)
June 29, 2021 21:52

Promo code is expired…

Wade T
Wade T (@guest_1214054)
June 29, 2021 22:16

Yup! Expired

Sam (@guest_1213999)
June 29, 2021 20:29

wow is uber going bk

Nil (@guest_1213954)
June 29, 2021 18:39

Buy $600 worth of gift card for $510 and charge to BBP which also rebates $25 off of $500 until tomorrow.

P (@guest_1214007)
June 29, 2021 20:42

what is BBP $25 off of $500

RiskandReward (@guest_1213936)
June 29, 2021 18:05

Great deal! Got $200 x 3 GC for $500 (using amzn gift card funds and $10 amzn credit that was in my account). Been waiting for something like this, thanks DoC!

WasKnown (@guest_1213865)
June 29, 2021 16:02

Not sure how people were able to get 10K. The maximum for me was $200?

Haley Bach
Haley Bach (@guest_1213901)
June 29, 2021 16:52

multiple cards.

Jordan (Professional MSer)
Jordan (Professional MSer) (@guest_1213856)
June 29, 2021 15:50

The maximum is 10k. LOVE YOU Amazon!!!

Kev (@guest_1213866)
June 29, 2021 16:06

How do you resale a 10k uber eats gc?

Steve (@guest_1214026)
June 29, 2021 21:19

Use it!

chirovegan (@guest_1213841)
June 29, 2021 15:18

The limit is 10k for me

AC (@guest_1213822)
June 29, 2021 14:56

Worked for me as well.

SeanK (@guest_1213820)
June 29, 2021 14:54

UberEats codes never work for me but this 15% off worked. Thank you!