AT&T Will End Plenti Partnership On October 31st, 2017

AT&T has announced that they will no longer participate in the Plenti rewards program after October 31st, 2017. AT&T was one of the partners that American Express’ Plenti program launched with, recently they added some new grocery partners but otherwise growth of the program has been non existent. Last year the earning rates for AT&T were changed and given the changes T-Mobile & Verizon have made I don’t think AT&T axing Plenti is particularly surprising.

After October 31st it seems that AT&T users will just have access to the AT&T Thanks program. I suspect/hope that AT&T will be making changes to this program to make it more competitive.

Hat tip to @Hsuea001


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MKB (@guest_484430)
September 29, 2017 02:48

This doesn’t come as a surprise to me. I noticed within the past two weeks that almost all of the online retail store reward credits were reduced down to 1pt per $1, and a majority of the deals are not as valuable as before. I was able to pay $91 of my AT&T bill last month just on Macy’s, Rite Aid, Exxon and a few online retail point awards. Now it’s nearly impossible to build that kind of points balance.

Lisa (@guest_484348)
September 28, 2017 22:15

I am all right as long as Macy’s still is a plenti partner. I am a past Macy’s employee but got employee discount 20%-40% off everything for life. I also have a Macy’s Platinum card, free shipping and 5% rebate on anything starting next week (Oct 2nd). I got 2 plenti points for any Macy’s purchase using Macy’s Platinum card.

My wife spent thousands of dollars at Macy’s per year.

Plenti point is like cash for me to pay Macy’s Platinum bill.

Harry (@guest_484670)
September 29, 2017 15:11

How do you pay Macy’s Platinum bill with Plenti points??

P (@guest_484285)
September 28, 2017 20:17

God dangit! Most of their partners were useless for me except Macy’s and AT&T primarily because of geographical location. Now I don’t even have a need for this program without AT&T.

Mike (@guest_484261)
September 28, 2017 19:31

Any thoughts on if this is the beginning of the end of the program? Was kind of holding out hope for a promotion like last year to transfer some MR points at a 1:1.5 ratio again to use at Exxon/Mobil. Sounds like it’s not a good idea to transfer too many points though with them losing a major partner.

R Johnson
R Johnson (@guest_484255)
September 28, 2017 19:18

Picked up $60+ of “free” stuff at Macy’s through Plenti. Hope it can stay in place.

Yeshu (@guest_484284)
September 28, 2017 20:17

bad redemption!

nycfrugalist (@guest_484385)
September 29, 2017 00:15

not really… make sure to use ebates when purchasing at with plenti… especially when they have the 9% cashback offers….

R Johnson
R Johnson (@guest_484606)
September 29, 2017 13:12

Got the eBates as well – so that’s cool. All redemptions are depending on need at the time and how you want to use the points…

Austin (@guest_484254)
September 28, 2017 19:17

Whew, glad this didn’t happen earlier. I transferred 120k MR to Plenti when there was the transfer bonus. Have been paying my whole families phone bill for quite some time, and just last month finally ran out of points. Glad I didn’t get stuck with $1800 to spend at Rite Aid haha

Sam (@guest_485366)
October 1, 2017 21:58

I have around $3,000 worth plenti points remaining that i transferred from amex during 1.5x promotion which i have been using for around a year to pay AT&T bill. Now with at&t gone, i guess i can use at exxon and mobil to get gas or rite aid. or i should just go buy a phone full price from AT&T before Oct 31st. Just trying to think whats the best way to use all those points. lol

Lantean (@guest_484336)
September 28, 2017 21:22

that’s some insane risk taking…

Marshall (@guest_484424)
September 29, 2017 02:31

How do you pay phone bill with Plenti? I still have some on my account and don’t know how to use it to pay att.

Jose (@guest_484983)
September 30, 2017 18:43

Hi Marshall,

You have to go in-store and pay at one of their pay kiosks. I’ve paid several months worth of AT&T bill with the points I’ve earned this year.

Marshall (@guest_489351)
October 7, 2017 00:46

Thanks! I will try tomorrow!

Kevin (@guest_484253)
September 28, 2017 19:15

I sense that Plenti itself is not likely to be around long.

captainsave (@guest_484235)
September 28, 2017 18:37

Looks like hulu is gone too. Was getting $24(2 accts) a month for free gas just playing and leaving shows on the background on hulu.

Ryan (@guest_484229)
September 28, 2017 18:21

Man, Plenti has never really started it seems. I wish it had done better.

I’d like to see the 1.5x transfer from AmEx to Plenti again at least, that was one of the only times I’ve used the program and I would use it again were that to come back.