Lyft Pink Changes (5% Off Standard Rides, Roadside Assistance Removed)

Lyft has announced some changes to Lyft Pink:

  • Member-exclusive pricing now includes 5% off standard rides
  • Starting June 30, 2023 roadside assistance will no longer be offered

Hat tip to CericRushmore

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Isabel (@guest_1627533)
June 1, 2023 18:26

Happy with this change, didn’t it used to be 5% off normal rides and then they took it away? I’m glad it’s back. I felt that the car benefits were a waste. If I’m a lyft “power user” I think it’s safe to assume I don’t benefit much from that type of thing. But maybe that’s the point, benefits that sound good but rarely get used.

Amy (@guest_1627182)
June 1, 2023 09:38

One of the hidden highlights of Lyft Pink is reinbursements for key replacements. I lost my car key a while back, and Lyft Pink was able to reinburse over 150 dollars or so of it. This is when I got it through CSR. They don’t really advertise this though, so it’s one of the hidden features – I hope it is still around

cyberteen (@guest_1627350)
June 1, 2023 14:04

Oh wow. Didn’t knew that. Do you have to be a Lyft driver or something?

I lost my car key last year as well and I have the Lyft Pink from CSR too. Gonna try this now.
Link seems to be available still –

Amy (@guest_1627438)
June 1, 2023 16:06

Yes! You just have to have Lyft Pink. I did it last year after losing my keys on a ski slope. It singlehandedly pushed the CSR to “worth it” for me based on the credits it provided at that time. I paid for a key replacement in December, and got it reinbursed in the Spring, so I would say you could have a good shot if you do it now. You should do it soon though as it looks like this feature is going away with the roadside assistance.

toddo (@guest_1627054)
June 1, 2023 02:39

pink is bullshit in LA. All rides cost more than uber. Priority pickup IS NOT FREE.

Tommy (@guest_1627536)
June 1, 2023 18:28

pretty much same in NYC

veeRob (@guest_1627006)
May 31, 2023 23:44

Well that’s annoying. I have been using my AAA calls saving my Lyft calls for when I would need the 200 mile tow. Now I only have 30 days to use up my service calls. Oh well.

Jesse (@guest_1629119)
June 5, 2023 11:36

You’re expecting more than one break-down a year?

veeRob (@guest_1629247)
June 5, 2023 15:44

I own 16 cars. Yes.

Jack (@guest_1786529)
January 26, 2024 20:39

Wait, really?!? veeRob

veeRob (@guest_1786559)
January 26, 2024 21:19


Jack (@guest_1626973)
May 31, 2023 22:34

Not surprising since there was a layoff recently

Matthew (@guest_1626966)
May 31, 2023 22:26

Canceled this morning after seeing this email