Recap: $1 Billion In Chase Account, No1 Lounges Sold & More


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Waco (@guest_1214171)
June 30, 2021 08:22

ridiculous that you can go to prison for spending money that a bank gives you accidentally

gary (@guest_1213845)
June 29, 2021 15:34

maybe chase should worry more about their security than closing accounts for no reason. put in in bitcoin and hope for the best youll either make out like a bandit, or owe chase a lot of money

Vy (@guest_1213843)
June 29, 2021 15:26

“Do you only speak Spanish?” is not something a person who only understands Spanish would be able to respond to. In addition to being a cluelessly insensitive thing to ask, it also has nothing to do with whether a person is being human trafficked.

Some flight attendants can barely do their own jobs as it is, let alone the jobs of ICE and Homeland Security. I expect Delta will side with its own employees in this department while its cabin crews continue to play police and abuse whatever misallocated law enforcement authority they think they have.

I am outraged on behalf of anyone who has ever been racially profiled by an power-tripping airline employee trying to become a folk hero.

Kafka (@guest_1214436)
June 30, 2021 16:04

Yeah, a study on this was published in 2019, and found that for every case of trafficking, hundreds of people are harassed, nearly always mixed-race families. I get the logic of “one is too many,” but at some point it turns into “stop and frisk.”

P (@guest_1213792)
June 29, 2021 13:56

I’m almost certain that if she had used even $1 of that $1 billion, she would be going to jail.

MickeyMouse (@guest_1213774)
June 29, 2021 13:12

For the Bank Error –

In my head I’m like okay Monopoly has prepared me for this all my life I got this!

Then I’m like yeah I don’t wanna go to prison 🙁

Shz Won
Shz Won (@guest_1213777)
June 29, 2021 13:18

Wire one billion to a random bank in the Bahrain. Cannot go to prison if the US does not have an extradition treaty

Slowbrake (@guest_1213815)
June 29, 2021 14:35

TIL: Samoa doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US.