Kroger: 4x Fuel Points on Gift Cards this Month

The Offer

Direct Link (filter by ‘gift cards’)

Kroger stores have a fuel points offer through October 1:

  • Receive 4x fuel points on gift cards purchased from Kroger by adding the digital coupon to your Kroger card
  • Unlimited use

This deal should be valid at Kroger and all other Kroger-affiliated stores, like Ralph’s, Smith’s, Fry’s, etc. Check out your online account to find the coupon at your local store.


Additional Details

  • The standard deal at Kroger stores is 2x fuel points on gift card purchases, and they’ll occasionally release offers like this one to get 4x fuel points.
  • All third-party gift cards seem to be included in this offer. In the past, there have been mixed reports on whether fixed-denomination Visa/MC/Amex gift cards worked to trigger the bonus fuel points. The terms imply that they do work, but it’s YMMV in practice.
  • To maximize the deal even further, remember that you can get free cell phone service with Kroger when you earn fuel rewards points; no points are used up with this benefit, it’s just an additional free perk which you get from fuel points, aside from the free gas.

Usually, every 1000 fuel points will get you a discount of $1 per gallon with a 35-gallon limit, a max value of $35 per 1000-points. These details do vary by store and region.

If you were to max out on the 35 gallons, you can get up to $35 value from purchasing $250 worth of gift cards with this deal, a 14% discount on the gift cards.

HT: Slickdeals

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escot (@guest_293942)
September 12, 2016 04:47

Yup, this deal has been good for years — and nice to see it stay “on” for nearly 3 full weeks this time. (That’s more than double the usual time frame)

About that “free wireless” benefit, at some point you’ll need to be updating your boilerplate on that. In my family, we have stubbornly hung on to Kroger I-Wireless legacy plans…. but have a hunch Kroger is wishing this entire market away. Firs,t you can no longer buy Kroger I-wireless phones AT KROGER! (astonishing…. instead, they’re hawking higher margin products, but inferior deals for customers)

Second, unless you’re on a Kroger i-wireless legacy plan, the deals are increasingly not competitive. (esp. compared to Republic Wireless)

They legacy plans themselves are without data….. so yes, the deal we’re talking about here is great for those of us still using cell phones mostly for talk ‘n text. But if you want data, the rates are so sky high — that they don’t even tell the reps. what they are. (I’ve tried to get a straight answer several times the past month — and each time, I get some bizarre nonsense about data being charged not by the amount, but by the minute…. which may explain how a $35 balance I had on the phone disappeared in a few days…. There’s NOTHING on the web site specifying data rates for legacy plans…. and again, for the “new, better deal plans” (not), adding minutes onto an already bad deal isn’t that impressive.

Anybody else here still using Kroger I-wireless?

escot (@guest_293944)
September 12, 2016 05:00

ps, just checked the kroger i-wireless web site, and I see they again do have the $10 month, 10cent per minute plans….. (with small package of data again included) Before anybody leaps into that, I’d check to be sure they’re permitting minute “rollover” on this one — as with the “legacy” plans no longer on the web site.

Mark O
Mark O (@guest_293815)
September 11, 2016 19:14

Not as exciting without Ebay!