Recap: Etihad New Check In Kiosk Can Tell If You’re Sick, Walmart Grocery Tip & More


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Vy (@guest_954829)
April 9, 2020 13:12

It’s a nice gesture against the common cold, but screening passengers’ body temps and heart rates alone does nothing to detect asymptomatic cases of deadly disease, as we now well know. Also involved are the privacy issues of surrendering seemingly benign bio-data all in the name of public health and safety.

The only thing this type of system will accomplish on a large scale is to flag false positives from sweaty and out-of-breath passengers who are rushing through the terminal to try to make their flights.

Exit and entry screening may look reassuring, but experience with other diseases shows it’s exceedingly rare for screeners to detect infected passengers. And even if screeners do find the occasional case, it has almost no impact on the course of an outbreak.

Justin (@guest_954855)
April 9, 2020 13:56

I fully agree, this is all theater.

Celia (@guest_954701)
April 9, 2020 09:10

I’m surprised that Walmart Grocery only opens up spots at midnight, that’s just asking for thousands trying to get a spot at once. I use Amazon Fresh myself, works well. One tip if refreshing: instead of refreshing the main screen that says no times available, go through the checkout process periodically and some limited availability will show even when the main page says none available. Takes a few extra clicks but definitely worth it.

aubergine (@guest_954780)
April 9, 2020 11:48

I’ve probably tried 200+ times in the last 7 days to get AmazonFresh/PrimeNow deliveries. Nada. I’ve just given up and go to a grocery store that does not do online order / pickup or even take credit cards. Its not an awesome store but has less issues with stockouts.

Celia (@guest_954823)
April 9, 2020 13:02

Sorry you haven’t been able to get it. We don’t have Prime Now available, only Amazon Fresh. I had to take a 6-8 window this morning but have to minimize any exposure with a higher risk spouse so less choice.