Best Comments For December

At the start of every month, I like to take a step back and thank all the readers who provided helpful comments the previous month. I also like to highlight the best comments from that month and to reward those readers who did leave one of the best comments. The aim is to hopefully help readers that might have missed these great comments by highlighting them here and also to give each reader a $10 Amazon gift card that is mentioned below. If you were selected below, keep an eye out on your e-mails for the next few days for an e-mail from me.

In addition December was the first month we are trying something new. Each of the people selected below can choose one referral post to have their information ‘stickied’ to. This means your comment will be the top comment of that referral post (regardless of when you leave the comment). This should help get these people more referrals.

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Gadget (@guest_703657)
January 10, 2019 01:01

 William Charles Thank you for recognizing me. I try to be helpful, and also try to do my own due diligence on each DoC article that I think I might do.

Will and Chuck, even though they are awesome, don’t have the ability or time to check or test every possible aspect or situation on every offer/article. That particular comment was just me taking action and trying to find answers why Empower referrals wasn’t working. (and still not available today in my empower android app) Hopefully that one copy/paste would stop dozens of others from being frustrated and then blowing up tech support or DoC’s inbox with complaints.

This is just one way to give back to the site that has helped me so much!!! Collectively all the DoC readers have a vast amount of knowledge, so please speak up with constructive criticism, successes, hits and misses. I am absolutely amazed how well this site listens to their readers, so please take time to comment too when you have input!

Teebee (@guest_699537)
January 2, 2019 22:49

This is a great idea and a great way to incentive thoughtful interactions. Thanks!

lisa (@guest_699127)
January 2, 2019 18:44

Have you guys thought about using a ranked commenting system like Disqus? It always takes a long time to load threaded comments on DoC (especially ones that go back several months) and I find that Disqus handles it really well. Would solve the “missing out on top comments” problem pretty easily, too.

Drivesabrowntruck (@guest_699444)
January 2, 2019 20:55

 William Charles looking forward to account setup as well. Would create more order to the madness that is going back to deals and getting DP’s on.

Zalmy (@guest_698940)
January 2, 2019 14:06

The stickied referral idea is a very good one. Props!

Rolando Gonzalez
Rolando Gonzalez (@guest_698951)
January 2, 2019 14:29

I think a stickied wiki (like Slickdeals has) is also a great idea