Uber On MPX & Uber Giftcards Available On Amazon

Uber is now on United’s MileagePlus X and offering 1x United miles, Chuck put together a really useful post on if MPX passes on the merchant code or not – I suspect this means it’ll code as travel for Chase cards (e.g the Chase Sapphire Reserve) confirmed this does indeed work.

For me what is actually more interesting is that Amazon are now selling Uber gift cards (our affiliate link, thanks for supporting us). There are lots of cards that earn at 5% cash back or higher for example:


Fingers crossed some merchants decide to offer some discounts on Uber gift cards in the future.

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Roger B
Roger B (@guest_318927)
November 23, 2016 23:31

Chase freedom codes Sears as Dept store this quarter.

Roger B
Roger B (@guest_318797)
November 23, 2016 19:36

Boss Sears also sells UBER gift cards now in DC metro area.

AB (@guest_318848)
November 23, 2016 20:49

Sears MPX (if you have an M+ card) gives 3.75miles/$. Sears allows you to use their giftcards for other giftcards (I’ve done it for gas cards). Plus MPX codes as a department store for Cash+.

So… Spend $100 on MPX and earn 375 miles plus $5 from Cash+. Then turn that into $100 UBER gc at Sears.

That really beats any other option right now since it rebates you around $10 in cb+miles.

AB (@guest_318849)
November 23, 2016 20:49

oops. mpx codes SEARS as a department store for Cash+

Evan (@guest_318771)
November 23, 2016 19:01

Wow, you’re on fire today.

MDO (@guest_318796)
November 23, 2016 19:36

Correct response should be, “get a fire extinguisher now!”