[Expired] AmEx Offers: Save 50% Online At Krogers Grocery Brands

Deal has ended, view more Kroger’s deals by clicking here.

The Offer

Check your AmEx Offers for the following deal:

  • Spend $50 online at Kroger.com and get a $25 statement credit.

Others got the same offer for the other Kroger family of stores such as Ralph’s. I’d assume each offer is specific to the store’s website.

The Fine Print

  • Valid through ?
  • Valid for online pickup or delivery orders
  • Excludes physical or electronic gift cards

Our Verdict

This is likely only showing for those in the Kroger footprint. Large grocery discounts are really sweet, though this was is online only so a little more difficult to use. (This deal won’t work for gift cards from the Kroger subdomain that sells gift cards since that processes through a third party.)

For those using Kroger.com the first time, you can get 15% off your first order with promo code SHIP15.

There’s a separate deal for Kroger in-store which we’ve posted about separately.

Hat tip to reader wwllmm

View more Amex offers here & if you have any questions about American Express offers then read this post.

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LA-1 (@guest_1513521)
December 18, 2022 02:10

Can I add alcohol to the order for pickup to trigger this offer?

Lil (@guest_1498546)
November 30, 2022 09:29

Does the charge go through when you place the order or after pickup?

San (@guest_1487482)
November 14, 2022 15:14

Kroger trying hard to make the orders ineligible to receive $10 and $15 off $75+ order totals.

Yesterday I spent above $100 to stack Amex offer with $10 and $15 off $75+ first order offers, my first ever Kroger purchase. Before the pickup, they said some of the items were not available and the total charge was updated to $60 after the pickup is completed. Just to double check, I went into the store and found lot of those unavailable items.

Today morning I chatted with Kroger CS and told them the same. They offered $25 store credit in the next minute.

Jo (@guest_1486560)
November 12, 2022 22:28

Ordered at kroger.com and picked up at the store. Didn’t get emails from Amex but the credit showed up 2 days later. Agree with the other posts. The tricky part is to keep the order above $50. Any suggestions what to buy?

Linamax (@guest_1485089)
November 10, 2022 12:50

My terms did not explicitly mention pickup, just website orders. Decided to place my pickup order on the website instead of on the app. It worked, and got the email about using the offer the same day as pickup.

Sue (@guest_1484404)
November 9, 2022 14:34

Does anyone have a successful DP on this offer either ship or pickup? Thank you.

Brandon (@guest_1484771)
November 10, 2022 00:27

Yes. A Ship order worked for me and I already received the $20 credit (I had a $20 off $40 for Kroger). Bought a pack of diapers and a Little People set for my son that was on sale for cheaper than Amazon. I did have an issue with them tacking the 15% off code back on when the final charge went through though (see below comment).

Sue (@guest_1485094)
November 10, 2022 12:54

Thank you

Brandon (@guest_1481248)
November 6, 2022 18:52

Did anyone that placed an order using SHIP15 get charged a higher total after the order was shipped? My estimated total was $42.71, but I was charged $50.24. When I go into my order details, it shows my item total was $68.33 even though my items totaled $60.98 before sale prices. The $7.35 extra is the same amount that my 15% off took off so it was essentially a wash. Super weird. I’m contacting them tomorrow.

Sue (@guest_1511125)
December 15, 2022 16:00

Hi Brandon how did you get it resolved? I had the same thing happened and got $10 store credit. Did you get the difference refunded?

Brandon (@guest_1511314)
December 15, 2022 18:36

Nope, same thing. Was given back as store credit.

Jim (@guest_1480274)
November 5, 2022 00:25

First order placed for shipping and one item was not fulfilled (no email notifying me about it) putting me under $50. Since it’s a single purchase offer I’m out of luck. Sigh.

RM (@guest_1480336)
November 5, 2022 03:26
Andy K
Andy K (@guest_1479241)
November 3, 2022 17:43

Check again! Amex must have fixed something.
You may now finally get the correct store for your area.

The Denver metro area has King Soopers.

We have four Blue Cash Everyday cards (“C”):
C1 – P1 primary
C2 – P2 authorized
C3 – P3 authorized
C4 – P3 primary

Tuesday morning:
C1 – Kroger and added to card.
C2 – nothing
C3 – Ralphs
C4 – King Soopers and added to card; Ralphs, two or three others.

Tuesday afternoon:
C3 – Ralphs and added to card.
C4 – Ralphs was gone as expected, but the two or three others were also gone.

Thursday afternoon:
C1 – King Soopers and added to card. Kroger was still under Added to Card.
C2 – King Soopers and added to card.

So P1 P2 P3 all now have King Soopers.

RM (@guest_1479553)
November 4, 2022 01:57

Andy K Thank you for this post. Unfortunately, they are either rolling this out slowly or selectively. I only got an offer for a Kroger banner that is 2000+ miles away, and that has not changed.

Yana (@guest_1477769)
November 2, 2022 02:14

Their items are incredibly overpriced.

Biggie F
Biggie F (@guest_1479684)
November 4, 2022 09:09

Agreed. But — wait … it gets worse.

We decided that with 50% back and the 15% off for a new first order, this justified paying 25% more, this one time around. P2 crafted a basket that came to $51. At 4pm, message from Kroger saying that your order is being shipped. At 6pm, an “oh, by the way” from Kroger saying that one of the cheaper items was out of stock, so it was not in the shipment. Which put us under $50.

What can I say? Kroger, Amex … you beat us on this one.

RM (@guest_1479788)
November 4, 2022 11:56

Biggie F This, unfortunately, is a known issue with most of the grocery store delivery services. Their inventory control is awful. On the rare occasion when Target is out of stock after you order, they will move heaven and earth to get you the item from another warehouse or store. But when Kroger or Safeway are out of stock after you order, they just couldn’t care less.

RM (@guest_1480337)
November 5, 2022 03:26