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G (@guest_1293984)
December 2, 2021 22:28

The terms were updated suggesting they’ll only pay out to new members who are residents of the two zip codes provided

tikachu (@guest_1247761)
September 2, 2021 14:49

Has anyone gotten the bonus yet?

Opened 5/19 through FFA with $150 on my BofA (coded as purchase), I did at least one work DD every month (May, June, July, August) but still no bonus. I’ll SM them since I used a work DD.

tikachu (@guest_1248485)
September 3, 2021 19:03

Update – here’s their SM:

We apologize for the inconvenience our marketing department has confirmed this promotion is currently only available to new members of the Tehachapi, California branch location.

s (@guest_1248615)
September 4, 2021 04:27

I’d submit an NCUA or CFPB complaint saying you met reqs and signed up in good faith that they would honor the promotion. The worst they can say is no. They had their chance to get rid of you, but I think they are stuck now. GL

tikachu (@guest_1248922)
September 5, 2021 14:56

Yeah, I’ll do that. I saved their promotion and no where does it say I need to open this account at a specific location. Their promotion also says if I opened it online, someone will be contacting me for the gift card so online is definitely an option! Will update once I get a response back and I’ll be closing out the account either way.

s (@guest_1248616)
September 4, 2021 04:28


Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_1248617)
September 4, 2021 04:31

I’d submit a complaint to the CFPB or NCUA. Just say you met terms for promo and terms did not exclude you. The worst they can say is “no”.

Justmeha (@guest_1242871)
August 22, 2021 16:52

Extended thru 10/31/2021

Justmeha (@guest_1242942)
August 22, 2021 20:31

I may be wrong but it seems to be available online as well

Pat (@guest_1224468)
July 18, 2021 16:38

The same CU is offering a $250 bonus at the Tulare and North Visalia branch locations.

G (@guest_1224108)
July 17, 2021 15:42

I don’t think this is expired, it looks like it has been extended through 8/31/21

David (@guest_1207706)
June 16, 2021 14:21

Any referrals?

Ben (@guest_1194723)
May 22, 2021 19:09

Submitted OOS application – rejected via email the next day, given the option to come in branch

Davis (@guest_1194378)
May 21, 2021 13:45

Submitted application using OOS address and told to come into branch to finalize. Have no plans to do so so will pass. So likely a Chex hit and inquiry sensitive to online opening.

Past 36 months: 71
Past 30 months: 71
Past 24 months: 69
Past 18 months: 66
Past 12 months: 60
Past 06 months: 22
Past 03 months: 13
Past 01 months: 01

mothman69 (@guest_1194548)
May 21, 2021 21:53

Davis Did they send an email telling you to go in branch? Or did they call?

Davis (@guest_1194550)
May 21, 2021 21:55

Email saying to come into a branch within 30 days because they aren’t able to open it online. I called and asked if there was some phone verification but they said no. I might do this account when I’m back in the bay area but not now.

mothman69 (@guest_1194552)
May 21, 2021 21:56

Thanks. Just submitted my application and we’ll see if I get the same message.

mothman69 (@guest_1194827)
May 23, 2021 11:03

Yep no luck…received the same email.

tikachu (@guest_1193401)
May 19, 2021 16:30

$150 max cc funding, used BofA card, will update what it codes as. Account was immediately approved, used FFA as the eligibility even though I’m OOS.

tikachu (@guest_1194348)
May 21, 2021 12:54

BofA posted as purchase!

mothman69 (@guest_1193615)
May 19, 2021 21:56

tikachu Can you provide a referral?

Davis (@guest_1193634)
May 19, 2021 22:17

Me too. I messaged everyone that follows them on Twitter that had a public profile and only three responded with two maybe open to giving me their referral.

tikachu (@guest_1193873)
May 20, 2021 13:31

It looks like I need your email address and name for a referral. Please email [email protected] for the referral!

Davis (@guest_1194381)
May 21, 2021 13:46

What are you Chex stats?

tikachu (@guest_1195008)
May 23, 2021 23:01

Probably not as high as yours but still LOL/24. Opened at least 7 accounts this year, 3 in May.

zeer0 (@guest_1192230)
May 17, 2021 03:09

Any DPs on hard or soft pull?

tikachu (@guest_1193975)
May 20, 2021 17:36

I didn’t get any notifications when I applied yesterday so I believe it’s a soft pull.