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Ron (@guest_1801109)
February 21, 2024 16:13

Where is the 2024 bonus offer announcement?:)

blahblah (@guest_1536484)
January 18, 2023 04:35

Offer is back. When logged in you see “Special offer: $100 Cash Bonus
Get $100 when you deposit $10,000 or more in new funds into a new or existing
Online Savings Account. Enroll by 2/15/23. See full offer terms.” but links are messed up.

Bank Account Bryan
Bank Account Bryan (@guest_1536519)
January 18, 2023 07:07

beaten to it. but, second is the best?

Mike (@guest_1532706)
January 13, 2023 12:10

Maybe not a bonus with the GS announcement they are losing a ton of money.

Andre (@guest_1529535)
January 9, 2023 13:41

Hope they have another bonus offer this year.

TS (@guest_1531345)
January 11, 2023 15:49

Me too! I’ve been waiting…

20201103 (@guest_1513980)
December 18, 2022 22:11

I’ve been seeing a bunch of articles saying Marcus lost a bunch of money on bad loans and customer acquisition, and Goldman Sachs is scaling back its plans for retail banking (e.g. dropped plans for checking). It looks like Marcus will keep going, but maybe they won’t spend more on promotions. They haven’t raised interest since the last hike yet, so maybe they’re not desperate for customers or deposits.

I like their savings account with unlimited withdrawals, and okay interest, and use it for a lot of transactions, but I wonder what the future of this bank is.

cc (@guest_1405416)
July 6, 2022 17:08

Where can I share my referral link?

Celia (@guest_1405444)
July 6, 2022 18:03

At the end of Our Verdict is a link but it appears to be closed to new comments.

JasonJ (@guest_1405302)
July 6, 2022 13:03

Marcus rate to 1.2% with referral you can get 3 months 1% extra which makes it 2.2% , I think it worth the transfer and rate chase if you have large amount staying in bank account

John (@guest_1388564)
May 31, 2022 18:11


Offer enrolled 2/16/22
Deposit completed 10020.00 2/24/22
90 day eligibility 5/25/22

Account untouched since 2/24/22, Only activity was a deposit for amount stated on 2/24/22
No “Active Offer” tab.

Still waiting for bonus.

MC (@guest_1388591)
May 31, 2022 19:04

Sound like you need to contact them…did it ever track under your Active Offers? What was the expected payout date?

John (@guest_1389431)
June 1, 2022 22:07

Will do. I do recall it tracking at one point in time, do not recall the payout date

John (@guest_1389770)
June 2, 2022 12:18

Support says they do not know why. They are escalating.

MC (@guest_1389783)
June 2, 2022 12:33

Waiting until the last minute always runs the risk of things going south, but based on your dates you should be in the clear….good luck.

John (@guest_1390435)
June 3, 2022 11:37

Escalation said an ACH withdrawl settled the same day I signed up for the promo, thus disqualified.

MC (@guest_1390451)
June 3, 2022 12:02

Ah, yeah…your balance as of 12:01am on your enrollment date is the baseline. Just keep that in mind when this offer comes around again next January.

Fred (@guest_1390458)
June 3, 2022 12:07

What was the date of the ACH withdrawal on your statement?

Frazz (@guest_1384603)
May 23, 2022 16:00

DP from Pennsylvania:

02/15/2022: Account opened.
02/18/2022: $10005 transfer from Ally to Marcus posts.
05/20/2022: “Bonus Applied” of $100 posts.

Really nice savings bonus and interest rate when compared to other similar accounts. Thanks, Doc.

Eric (@guest_1383785)
May 20, 2022 17:39

I found out from a rep today that Marcus does not allow credit card payments, utility companies, etc. to withdraw money from the savings account. Have any of you actually tried this in practice? If so, was it actually rejected?

20201103 (@guest_1384793)
May 24, 2022 04:54

Nonsense. Because of them not imposing the 6 withdrawal limit (i.e. it’s unlimited) I have switched to using this as my transactional account and have 20-30 withdrawals per month, including CC and other payments and withdrawals. So that rep was clueless.