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justmeha (@guest_1236977)
August 10, 2021 15:52

 Don L Superchurn Kaden hey i know it was a while ago, but do you remember what you used for your DD?

Don L
Don L(@don-l)
August 12, 2021 15:25

Sorry, I can’t recall, I might have used an actual payroll for the DD

rahsaz (@guest_802524)
August 24, 2019 17:50

Don’t know why some people said it’s not a hard pull. It IS a hard pull. I went to a branch and confirmed. Not much worth it in my opinion.

Jethro Tuller
Jethro Tuller (@guest_801615)
August 22, 2019 11:03

I went into a branch, and it is a hard pull.

pez (@guest_801077)
August 21, 2019 11:03

Does anyone know if Citi Diamond Preferred will post as a cash advance?

rahsaz (@guest_800198)
August 19, 2019 15:51

Any difference between Regular checking vs Fresh start?
Any monthly fee/membership fee for the union?
Can credit card deposit/ACH transfer be used Direct Deposit?

Steve (@guest_799779)
August 18, 2019 12:35

FYI, Here is the link to the actual offer:

You have the link going to

Thom (@guest_669052)
November 7, 2018 13:54

Did anyone get the bonus without doing employer DD and if so what did you use, please? Many thanks.

illini_knight (@guest_631434)
August 20, 2018 16:50

Also confirm $500 on Citi DC did not code as CA (but my CA limit is set to 0); employer was used to meet DD, and 20 .50 Amazon reloads triggered the $175

Don L
Don L(@don-l)
July 20, 2018 12:53

Also confirm no Hard Pull; Citi DC posted as purchase for $500

Superchurn (@guest_616471)
July 12, 2018 23:53

Just applied and tried to fund for $500 with Citi TY Premier

“Thank you for your application. Your application has been referred to our Online Account Services Team. You will be contacted shortly.”


I dunno if that means its running up against chex or what, but i dont think its a good thing